Its been a long 2 weeks, these terrorists are trying to take over our city, they might as well be suiside bombers I'm pretty sure they are so loud they have stopped up anyone who's had a life on the flip side of things. Got a few more likes on my FB page "Help Stop Gangstalking in Kitchener Ontario" no one has said anything yet about it I hope people will open up...I don't even know where to start on whats gone on its so in depth, having trouble putting words I mean I could be blunt and sound like I'm on crack but ill wait... im so exsausted...I went to visit family did my work delt with screaming in the shop vac went for a hike visited with family....tired of the whole head swarm to top it off I found a lump and I'm hoping its not cancer if it is its from them....getting it checked out ASAP.
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