Happy Purim 2014!

Happy Purim 2014!

Friday February 14th sunset to Saturday February 15th sunset

Purim is when we celebrate the defeat of evil Haman who tried to annihilate the Jews but instead was hung on the very gallows he wanted to hang the Jewish Mordecai on. This is written of in the book of Esther.

From Elisabeth & Niko:
Just as surely as why we celebrate. The Hebrew people had an intercessor named Queen Esther and we celebrate this Hebrew Holy Celebration called Purim. Just as satan tried to wipe the Hebrew people off the face of the earth then, so too satan wants to kill everyone who worships and serves and strives to be Holy and obedient to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHA now!

We are Holy Spiritual Israel standing in the gap for physical Israel until Israel comes with repentance and love, worshipping and accepting the only Prince of peace and King of Kings who is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!

YAHUSHUA is the Son of YAHUVEH sent from Heaven, the Only Sinless Sacrificial lamb without blemish, born from a Hebrew virgin woman named Mary (in Hebrew 'Miriam'). When Israel receives the fact that YAHUSHUA was crucified at Calvary as a sin sacrifice and arose from the dead on the 3rd day, proving He is the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH...When Israel receives the fact YAHUSHUA IS GOD ALMIGHTY that came to us in the flesh...Then true Peace will come to Jerusalem.


Pr. 122: "I use Amightywind! I use MY special warriors, MY special Bride, all of you have a protection... for I'm right there by your side."

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