Too many death threats.
Too many people laughing at me in the street.
Too many people in official positions laughing at me and making judgements.
It is too much.
And it is very cruel.
I simply do not deserve what is happening to me.
In 2008 while trying to get a shelter at Bay Harbor. I experienced the
beginning of the cruel harassment. When I tried to get a shelter everybody
made fun of me with the asumption that I was a transexual. I was promissed
that I was going to be beaten up in the evening. Even the most insignificant
person thought that they had the right to insult and threatened me.
When I went to see the person who was in charge of the place I only saw a
cynical smile that reinforced everything that was happening around me.
Fron that moment on, the hate campaign developed.
With different degrees of intensity, depending on who did it. But omminpresent
everywhere I went.
There were different lies that they weaved in the mind of the people to obtain
this: That I was HIV positivie, that I was a transexual, that I had laughed at
my mother's death. Basically they managed to make believe the people that I was
a sort of a monster. When I tried to make complaints about this, they sent me to
the psychiatric. In the hospital, the ordeal continued. It seemed to be impossible
to see so many people working together. Only in the movies you found a reality like
this. But it was true. All this sent me to research what happened in the society
that had scaped my attention. What I found out was extremely serious.
It seems to be that different groups, in this society, have suffered similar
"treatments". It is called gang stalking. This comes together with what is called
electronic harassment.
Instead of giving a big explanation about what these two concepts are I will refer
you to two websites that describe in a very good way what these concepts mean.
These websites are: and
It is an accumulation of threats. And I lack resources to resolve the issues on my
favor. I am extremely tired. And very concerned about my safety. That is not a good
There isn't anything happening in what refers to my capacity. It is easy to track that,
despite whatever is happening in my life, I have been able to develop
client/serve applications in a way that corresponds to what I learned in happier times.
I very well know that I am a victim of a conspiracy. There are a lot of powerful people
involved in all this. My feeling is that they want to take a foreigner as an example of all
the punishment that they have in mind for people who do not do things the way they want.
I know that they have planned my death because it is constantly broadcasted by sonic techniques
whose existence they do not recognize. That is why I am a victim of a hate crime.
After putting me in a position in which practically any cooperation with me is going to be punished.
Since the very beginnig - they started to spread two things. That I do not know what I do and that
I am a lazy person.
In 2008-2009 my health went to a special situation. I was very weak, wandering about by the streets,
trying to find out what was happening with my life and the general rejection that I suffered.
Everywhere I went it was the same. I suffered a lot and lived under a tree for a long time.
People profiteered of my situation by singing hate songs in the clubs. When I went by the street in
the morning, I suffered the consequences of such songs. This went on for a lot of time. Those are
the conditions in which I was supposed to get a job. In the meantime a lot of people who suffered
similar kind of "bullying" committed suicide or were beaten to death
- a message was sent to them "It is getting better" . It is curious, I know that there is a good
intention in the message. But, how to make it effective if the ones that have to make the message
effective, more times than desired, are the ones who look the other way when this hate campaigns are
developed in front of their eyes.