Have our futures been stolen from us?

Have our futures been stolen from us?Every citizen & every business has a fiduciary responsibility to their country & to the economy to ensure that it will survive into the future and that it will operate in a fair & equitable manner. It is such an important obligation of every citizen in our country that a constitutional amendment should be created to remind everyone of their responsibilities to the long-term survival of their country and not to the mighty dollar.An economy dominated by large companies & billionaires /millionaires who feel no fiduciary responsibility towards their employees or towards the future availability of jobs in the country is dangerous.An economy dominated by companies that have lost control of their operations to outside investors whose only goal is to make a fast profit at the expense of long term operations is dangerous.An economy dominated by large REITs / large landowners that control so much of our country's real estate, resulting in a tremendous amount of rental units where the tenants have no control over their own future housing costs is a dangerous situation.There are many large, subversive organizations & individuals that have manipulated themselves into a position in which they control so many aspects of everyone's lives, and they need to be dealt with. They have stolen our future.We need to ensure that stability & growth are maintained in this country for the present & the future, without having special interests or others corrupt the process with various shenanigans that steal our assets & our futures. Every citizen should have a fair & equitable chance at a stable future.The goal of a fair & equitable economy is to:- create stable jobs for all citizens so that everyone has income coming in throughout their working years, no cut-throat shenanigans to deprive them of their jobs or of their retirement.- ensure fair & equitable housing availability:- rental market for beginners- ownership market (condos, houses) for people once they get established.Somehow the focus towards a fair & equitable country has been corrupted by many behind-the-scenes shenanigans in so many different areas of our economy. We need to ensure that there are no more cut-throat shenanigans to deprive citizens of their money or their futures.
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