I have not be able to be on for over a year due to internal and external events. I am questioning if separating from an abusive spouse (ex-Military, maybe a "brother" can led to being targeted.)
Has anyone experienced what technologically is know as "inter-cerebral hypnotism?" This is real technology in which the electric signals in our brain can be identified and waves-ELF sonar, laser, shira oscillating laser, maser-lifgt or waves can in tap our own. Hence, when the individual tries creative thinking they have trouble as their circuit is blocked from going to that location. This also affects our brains invove-lement with prayer and many other freedoms; vastly affecting our mental freedom, our giftings our true character.
There are many patens/or projects listed now that deal with lasers, shira lasers, coming from or being used by defence companies such as Thales (who work with nasa.) Many other similar patents have been filed. we know that the techonoly exists. A search o inter cerebral hypnosis will give more info.
This may seemed far fetched, but certain proteins, such as jelly fish protein, list uo and connects easy with outside labour. Any chance the early "recombatient DNA experiments could have been preparing human brains to interact better with laser?
The mere possibility that someone out there is playing around with inter-cerebralhypnotism is a immediate concern to everyone.