I'm sexually repressed!I'm ugly! Undesirable I am!'m Dirty! , I'm not operational!'m Useless!I do not deserve to live!
This creates pleasure and happiness in women group electronic harassment. The woman needs help with artificial intelligence to be a person. If I had a group of psychotronic montaria a monumental chicken, but they just need to feel degraded in the group of male paternal pity party.
Women with degrees are bound to create anxiety in the astral with spoiled girls games.
You can not give custody of children to any woman, you can not give major titles to any woman, can not be given important responsibilities any woman ...
Some time ago I read that a major guru was saying they would not need free will and would understand.
I'm understanding now. Any not deserve to have a free cognitive system, anyone not deserve to have a voice to express feelings, whatever does not deserve to be healthy to use against others.
The future is upon us what merecemos.La woman should acquire the same criminal liability as men.
Act covered by your family and friends from the remote, with psychotronic, is a power play to feel useful to society or something.