The understanding of this simple thing, the making and use of Mag oil. A 50/50 mix of Epson Salt or Mag Chlorate and clean water. The tap water is not clean if you don’t know about Fluoride read the Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson.
Be prepared it will piss you off. Mag oil is used without Calcium, Magnesium is blocked by Calcium it will not be absorbed. The Cal Mag supplement does nothing. LOL Which I always suspected. The ocean is loaded with Magnesium but no one would bathe or swim in, too cold too polluted. So, mix 2 Table spoons Mag
and 2 table spoons water and rub or spray it on. Keep it clean, Mag will carry toxins into the blood stream just like DMSO.
Someone said Magnesium is the cornerstone of health. I think that is an understatement. It will help beat down Cancer and the causes for it. Mag supports over 200 enzymes whereas Fluoride is an enzyme defeater.
LOL Mag oil as tooth wash well there is nothing better. Mag oil changes the galvanic skin response. There is no proof on this it is a guess and I have my reasons. I believe it helps resist V2K (spit). Magnesium is required for life and what I like the most is the spot treatment. Got pain rub it on. Every doctor out there can give a 3 hour lecture on inflammation. Mag oil controls inflammation relaxes muscles. It can spot treat organs. Heart lungs liver pancreas kidneys brain and back knees hips. Most people don’t know Mag is transdermal, absorbed through the skin.
The lymph nodes when these guys get inflamed it feels like a bee sting
and pre cancer to cancer condition, (sometimes). A system of nodes that run
from the neck arms chest back thighs. One way check valves a waste system with pumps that move out toxins. I thing Mag Oil treats inflamed nodes the best as well.
Estimates are at 80 to 95% that we are Magnesium deficient this simple info
will change your health and your life. Good luck to all and don’t give up or quit.
Fight hard and live a good life,, Later J