Health Overview.

If you take the so-called covid-19 vaccine you can still catch and transmit the covid illness and you can also shed the vaccine poisons onto others.
The vaccinated have the same risk factors as the unvaccinated except that among the already vaccinated the officials figures from the United States alone state that there have been 13,068 deaths in the United States alone as a direct result of the vaccine.
13,068 deaths.
51 000 hospitalizations,
5,282 cases of anaphylactic shock.
4,461 cases of bells palsy
1,505 miscarriages.
6,000 heart attacks
24,305 severe allergic reactions.
Medical doctors take the Hippocratic oath which means that they must first do no harm and secondly they must provide the public with informed consent and they unable to do either.
None of the so-called covid-19 vaccines are F.D.A approved and none are tested.
The Swine flu vaccine in 1976 was FDA approved. After 32 deaths it was pulled from the market place and the swine flu vaccination program was halted. More than 12,791 people have died from the so-called covid-19 vaccines in the United States so far and the vaccines are still on the market place. Why is that the case.?
Some of the above information can be found on video at and that video link is as follows
The singapore government has recently announced that it has paid out vaccine damage payments to 144 people. The singapore government has warned that those who have myacarditis should not take the second vaccine.
Patrick King in Alberta Canada. He owed 1200 dollars in 'covid' fines. He refused to pay and so he was taken to court, where the prosecution (the Crown) had to prove that the virus exists in order to justify fining him 1200 dollars. They couldn't do this as the virus has never been identified so the judge dismissed his fines and now Alberta has scrapped ALL their covid restrictions. After all, you can't have restrictions for something that cannot be proved to exist.
The government in Denmark was attempting to force their citizens to take the PCR test and they have now lost their court case.
It is being advised online that If anyone demands that you take a vaccine, ask for their name and home address and report them to the police for attempted murder.
Many individuals who have received a vaccine passport are now burning those passports because they are deemed to be slave passes.
The so called covid-19 virus has never been identified, isolated or purified at any time whatsoever or at any place whatsoever. In fact, there is a big reward on offer to anyone who can identify, isolate and prove that the so-called covid-19 virus exists. Many medical personnel now believe that it is not a virus but instead it is a graphene oxide poison which has been identified as being in the anti flu vaccine and is also in the so-called covid-19 vaccine . It is the vaccines themselves which are creating the s0-called varients. The hoaxed pandemic has been introduced in order to give others a reason to vaccinate us with nano technology in order to wirelessly connect us to the internet of things for the purposes of wirelessly controlling us from a distance.
The PCR test can be manipulated to create false positives whenever necessary to increase lockdown levels by those who wish to grab power in order to create a one world government.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and chlorine dioxide work to cure all symptoms of the illness within five days and yet these effective cures are being ridiculted and censored by those who wish to promote the poisonous vaccine instead.
Blood tests are being conducted by those who have already been vaccinated and their blood cells are clumping up in alarming ways which have never been seen before by experienced medical professionals.

The two main organisations who control most of the worlds affairs are :-
1. The Vatican and the Jesuit order control the Knights of Malta who knowingly practice insider trading. The Queen of England Elizabeth the 2nd is head of the Order of the Garter which is comprised of twenty four individuals who in turn influence and control The Club of Rome which is also known as The Committee of 300, who in turn control The Royal Institute for International Affairs in London which is also known as Chatham House and their United States branch are known as The Council on Foreign Relations and they in turn control the World Economic Forum. All wars which were carried out during the past more than one hundred years have been initiated and financed on both sides by Chatham House of London. The Council on Foreign Affairs and The Royal Institute of International Affairs in turn control the main stream media and most corporations throughout the world.
2 The Jewish banking families of Europe such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs and JP Morgan among others. They control banking and finance. Ordinary Jews have no part to play in the activities of the Jewish banking families. To differentiate them from ordinary jews they are now called Ultra Zionists and their members are believed to be responsible for The World Trade Centre attack on the 11th September, 2001.
All of the above members of the new world order cabal practice the Luciferian religion. They have also incorporated the luciferian religion into most secret societies which they control. Queen Elizabeth 2nd of England is a first cousin to the Duke of Kent who is worldwide head over the secret organisation known as freemasonry. Because the new world order control universities, Hollywood, the main stream media and many publishing houses they use them to create and publish a false narrative about world affairs and they also use them to censor and ridicule any information which would counter any narrative they wish us to believe. All of the above individuals are believed to belong to an exclusive group known as the Pilgrims Society.
Because they wish to introduce a one world government that means that we could then no longer have national sovereignty, national borders or capitalism. They have already introduced the teaching of principles of communism into most of the school system throughout the western world. They cloak and camoflage their activities in environmentalism, multiculturalism and humanitarianism. They compartmentalize their work so that nobody can see the big picture. In neural research, they allocate research into different categories and they give onlyone category to different universities so that no university might see the whole plan its entirety until it is too late to save ourselves from worldwide technological enslavement, where we are no longer allowed to own anything while they own everything. They are attempting to achieve total physical control of each human body of each of their future slaves by means of the capabilities outlined in the internet of things scientific patent, which is patent number US6965816.
At this time, all mega corporations throughout the world have amalgamated into mainly two mega corporations known as Blackrock and Vanguard. Individuals and groups belonging to the above mentioned Luciferian new world order cabal are the major shareholders in both of these mega corporations.
The reason the Luciferians wish to set up a one world government with them in charge is because they wish to dedicate the whole world to their God, Lucifer. They plan to force everyone to become loyal to the Luciferian belief system. They plan to put to death any who refuse because they can now murder people from unknown remote locations by wireless and other means while remaining anonymous. They have already taken down public statues in many cities throughout the world and have replaced them with images of Lucifer. They have placed images of Lucifer within the Vatican and they have been video recorded while singing a hymn to Lucifer inside St Peters Bacilica in the Vatican city in Rome.
They are using technologically induced mass mind control on their fellow men, women and children of the world by means of transmitting microwave signals which have embedded with messages from microwave transmitters which are nearby. Those who watch public television as well as those who carry smart phones and also those who live close to microwave transmitters as well as the very young are more susceptable to technologically induced mind control than others.


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