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Read this well. I have always been attacked since that I do exist. When I was a child, given that my ''father'' was a narcissist, I thought that I was deserving what I got and was hating myself until the day that I really met Christ with my spirit. But now that I stand up for myself, there are more perverts who attacked me and nobody is lifting their little finger although it is very easy to see not only his game on YouTube but also to report his videos. (he made a very cruel character assassination of me, this dirty dog) I have ''subscribers'' but no friends, until proven otherwise. I was asking God how I can understand this life, yet I am very far from being ignorant. Nobody lifted their finger. I literally am dying and nobody gives a fuck. Not only this daemon wants to indirectly murder me with his monstrous lies but he wants people to hate me once I'm murdered. It is just perfect! And yet, I am far from being a person centered on myself, I do not deserve what is happening to me at all. Then you come to me with ''hell is on earth, we are damned here by political and religious demons''. I buy this, it makes too much sense to me. It is not surprising that my soul wants to depart from this life, for this life is a curse. Satan is so against me that he attacked me even before my birth. Hell is on earth. Now, this makes sense.
It's not for no reason that when there is a totalitarian regime, they systematically murder the people using their brains. They hate that very much.
Maybe those sadistic religious people are distorting the Scriptures...
One thing is certain is that they hate when we have knowledge and that we always want to know more.
There sure is a man-made hell, I am investigating on that....