Hello everybody!
I am a Norwegian manchurian candidate who luckily didnt kill anyone, instead I escaped to another country.
I investigated and did research, and made complains to Norwegian authorities. They say they dont know who did this to me...
Anyway, in my investigation it was easy to find Siemens, and NATO, and I came into this ``project`` when I was 9 years old..Long story...
I left Norway, and then Siemens quited the contract with the norwegian army (NATO). This led to and investigation of Siemens in Norway, and it spread to 21 countries in Europe. Some of the investigation is not finished yet...
Anyway, I found that part of the norwegian military intelligence is connected to a group that is called GLADIO, and its run by NATO, CIA and MI6. They put equipment into people and making them a ``superspy``...
This system is commected to the psychiatric system, that was meant to be a secret ``stay-behind-system`` right after the war. It was the nazis who putted wires into people first, like tooth-implants- with radio etc.

I have taken some ct-scan and x-rays, and found a lot of technical equipment in my body...
Here is some links to my blog, where you can see some of the pictures....
Its a norwegian blog, but there suppose to be a automatic-translator-knob on the blog....
Anyway, the pictures speaks a international language....







Hope to get in touch with people who is fighting against mindcontrol...., and to make friends here...
I am a nurse and a trained socialworker...

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