My name is SILVIA MIRAS SANCHEZ, my country is Spain,(barcelona).I  am a victim of aneighborwhoraped meinradio frequencies in Vilanova i la geltru, Barcelona Spain. In 2009.

after a congress of quantum scio in a village near the city is full of scientists and physicians throughout the world sat on the terraces to talk about their professions.
I do not speak English very well.Isidre oliu   a scientist who worked with willie nelson scio quantum operator, has a research center in Barcelona, and sells these aparatos.El work with these machines and I did a recognition of three hours each session, there were two. could not help, and he said he had attended a whole family with my problem, people hear voices in my head and not let me sleep ....
¡more people have contactedand have been doing real estate mobbing Barcelona.The made ​​by changing the character of the people with the quantum technology and mind control, to hate each other and are separated, there are workers all over the world.
I started to hear voices of people in my head at night, they talked very loud and laughing at me, at first led me to believe that I was doing voodoo and that if I separated and I went from my flat I matarian.Querian floor.
They said that it had one of them was flirting with my ex-partner, and the floor and my ex would be it.
Began to change his attitude to it, it became more aggressive and lonely, all I did was disgusting I was ugly, and began to behave as a tyrant and hmillarme as a human being, and did not realize its actitud.cambio to cold and very serious.
To physical gestures that were not his, suddenly changing the language and attitude in front of life. One day even to two feet in front of me made ​​a perfect kick to my stomach without touching me, me scared of what the neighbors could really do with a person conceited jerk and was not able to talk to our actitudes.Me logic said that he probably did it because he was angry with me. I rebel against what can be done to entire families, from father to son rape, beatings, asesiatos and then commit suicide when they are aware or given to the police.
Do not let me rest and I electrify the body so that he felt the low-frequency electromagnetic, leaving trails in the air and the vibrations felt like me.
When people are wrapped in an egg elf, leaving a wake that is perceived.
I felt as I wrapped the skull with such low frequency energy and was used as a radio thanks to that technology can create me a balloon in my head elf, as I suppose mobiles. then my senses were suffering separation, a separation perceptual consensus with the rest of the world.
And in that state can not be perceived moods of another person, nor any human information even when your body changes can not love you isolate the environment as if you were one of those savages with children who experienced the isolation and lack of high benchmark with life.
I realized that people had very American in my village catalan, and it was not a time for example normal.Porque saw two black guys and gorgeous high rate marine, military attitude. I thought mono, which is just as handsome, and both at once to my feet turned their heads towards me. assisted telepathy. Passing that the fact of being raped made ​​me discover to mosques and quirky guys who ought to cate to that?
For if, from that day to stupid comments just to provoke people, and I take more of a surprise.
Today, I separated from amoeba with which vivia.Resulto explain that when providing data to other alleged CARANDINI MERCEDES, Marchioness of Vilanova i la Geltrú BARCELONA SQUAD TO MOSS, the Barcelona police.
DE FEDAME, psychotronic weapons And even show you how to witness to the journalist GABRIEL SILVA RAFAEL PALACIOS, a video in which this gentleman admit that I work for a government military group.
For the multistage not empathetic to my former partner preferred to think it was wrong of the nerves by saying he was not crazy. And ADVANTAGE of these circumstances we parted.
This is the biggest thing I've done, because our common life was not good and we had to separate before, but I can not stand is that the victim of a cruel and despicable act like this, and discover that we are all computerized of no interest to the human DNA chain which he lived.
And do not try to understand this new reality that is killing many people living with diseases created by science and biomedical professionals for the pharmaceutical and banks bear fruit.
He has an apartment, a job, family, friends and a very dear and respected, spiritual and beautiful, but lacks the necessary humanity to share the same air with any empathetic human being.
En España hay una web que se llama planeta tierra :

if you want to know about my stories home with mind control and other victims that I am trying to collect the group id of mental control.



Esta era mi casa,VILANOVA I LA GELTRU.  HASTA QUE EN 2009

This was home in Vilanova i la Geltrú.
  TO THE CONGRESS OF QUANTUM SCIO, 2009 Sitges, Barcelona.



The town is full of doctors, scientists and people from countries caribeños.LLamaban much attention for his physical, and his speech, spoke of spirituality, the change of DNA, how the mind acts on a society and destroys things so outlandish and terraces of coffee, people watching estban you inside when I looked and I studied like a lab mouse in the middle calle.Esto is a feeling that only know a single person who is accustomed to things and simple objects normal people and psychically raped with a remote electronic system and em, Room to notice strange things.


I thought how much many people and who will live, because people came from humble South America, Northern Europe, Spanish castellanos.Y that if full of chamancillos because now after I have this complication chamancitos reduced to second class.


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