I hope this image is big enough for you to see the evidence....
Just to make sure that this article will never go away, I copied and pasted it below
I hope this image is big enough for you to see the evidence...the first image is the book cover that he updated with the truth on it.
Hello Steeeeeeeeeeeeve! We are happy that you just turned 60 years old on January 19th, since you were born in 1955. You are a compulsive lying piece of dirt hiding behind your computer and pen name, even lying about your date of birth, falsely saying that it was in 1956.
That's no wonder, they are looking for you
Because here is what can happen to you
The God of Heaven is very sick of your lies, going as far as portraying yourself as a Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and an ''homeless'' man in order to prey on women.