In TV series , the brain damaged human-beings (called DOLLs) were forced to feel the feelings of killings and do other bad things. If you are an administrator of such an institute whose responsibility is to keep the orders, you should only follow orders and rules that do not damage the interest of majority human-beings on the earth. Otherwise, you must be an evil or evil’s helper, as damaging humankind would damage everyone including yourself. Majority human beings are humankind. Following rules without considering whether those rules are harmful to humankind would damage everyone and yourself in the long run. Hiding secrets from majority human-beings is damaging the interests of majority human beings. Everyone should do everything for humankind only. Anyone who did things for individuals only must be an evil or evil’s helper, who are harmful to humankind and harmful to everyone including oneself.
The tycoon family educated their children to learn from animals rather than learning from human-beings, that is why the tycoon family in charge could take damaging majority human beings as a glorious thing. That is why they live for their own sensational satisfaction and power rather than living for the betterness of humankind.