High pitched fast subliminal electronic whisper

I just heard a high pitched fast subliminal electronic whisper in my ear after I showered and was getting ready to run errands - it seems to always happen when I want to run errands. What exactly do those subliminal commands contain??? I can't fight something that I can't decipher, it is inhumane to try to subliminally manipulate another person, especially against their knowledge and against their will.I am sick of this electronic harassment / torture trying to screw up my life. The people behind this equipment need to be tried, it is a Crime Against Humanity to subliminally affect another person's brain and actions. Why hasn't the FBI tried to stop this crime against humanity? It is extraordinarily inhumane to use this equipment on anyone for any reason. If those people are not judged and tried in this life, there is always a higher power waiting to judge them, and they will have to deal with that reality .... what they are doing is inhumane.There have been times when they turn off the equipment completely and peace and quiet is restored, so why aren't they turning it off now? How stupid and evil can they be??? The longer the equipment is used, the more they will be judged, and I hope it's a severe judgment.
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