Hillary Clinton's Comprehensive Mental Health Plan

Please see attached. Out of all the things going on in this country today and during the current administration; this is going to be one of her priorities if elected. I can only imagine during her campaign she's been pressured by the current administration, congressmen/women, the NSA, CIA, FBI, etc. to implement this asap. She can't be trusted. Pay close attn. to bullet #6....she can't be serious. The only way she'd ever get my vote is to take all the billions from the Clinton Foundation and not only compensate us TI's with a set monetary figure for our pain & suffering; but to place each and every one of us individually in a Farady cage to quite publicly prove we have the mark of the beast within us and we do not suffer from Schizophrenia. Since this will never happen, we as fellow TI's should not vote for Hillary Clinton.

It's abundantly clear to me that one hand does not wash the other between her and former president Bill Clinton. He publicly apologized to human experiments on YouTube back on October 15th 2012. https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/updates/2016/08/29/hillary-clinton-releases-new-comprehensive-mental-health-policy-agenda/

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