
We are victims of spiritual the usufruct of our electron "usufruct (Latin usus fructus, 'use of the fruit.').'s A real enjoyment or enjoyment of an alien thing The holder of the usufruct person is the owner of the thing but not its owner. has possession of the thing, but not the property. can use and enjoy it, that is, get your fruits or income, whether in kind or in-cash, but can not dispose of it by not holding the right of ownership over the same. "
In World War II, the Nazis possessed and owned prisoners to force them to be victims of medical experiments and psychiatry. They were his slaves, because a national Semitism was created, and Germany was the dominant country in Europe.
Today no war in the civilized world. No concentration camps like the Nazis to legally experiment with humans. But there is something else, a substitute that is an invisible prison: the electromagnetic aura.
The people running the world is very intelligent, and has created a scientific-spiritual mobimiento preaches peace and obedience due to Karma. The ideal breeding ground for involution to be a citizen to defend their civil rights outgrower.

The aura is a stabilized balloon biogas because it is a gas noble.Forma a morphic field in our tissues and creates a sounding board that promotes sound reverberation in operational quadrature. Through it we usufruct as Jewish prisoners, but with the difference that we are outwardly saying with great luminaries such as the Dalai Lama: YOU ARE FREE LAW OF KARMA WE RULE!INTERIOR SILENCE! UNIVERSE IS INTELLIGENT! PACIFIC IS!
They have replaced the Catholic Church to make us feel guilty for Western materialism at the expense of religion or spirituality.
With non-lethal weapons such as bioresonance quantified, are stealing and altering our electrons to get through "neuroimaging techniques" direct real time knowledge of our brain.
The electron is a particle, and organic matter that belongs to us.
A part of this theme are using the biological material as a source of bioluminescence from the chemical and external radiation.
We are the invisible victims usufruct, we are human-livestock
And as a result a range of pathologies psiquaitricas are destroying a civilization destined to transcend reptilian animal behavior to the behavior of the human person in the image and likeness of God.
Psychotronic and quantified bioresonance are creating "demon possessed" reduced by the psychiatric pharmacopoeia. A part of the full range of senile dementia caused by the killing of healthy neurons.



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