I while back I was in suspicion of Fibromyalgia and I found a great relief from stress arm using Grapeseed oil on my skin http://www.seedguides.info/grapeseed-oil/ I also have baths using oat meal in an old stocking ( to keep it from clogging the drain) and green tea baths (5-8 tea bags in an old stocking in case they break) St Ives has a great lotion out right now with cranberry seed and Grape seed and I feel a difference in the stress from using it religiously I'm curious to know if that may help with stinging and burning I've heard mentioned by some and if it would coat the skin enough to help make a bit of a protective barrier I havn't experienced anything other then whats mentioned above and energy weapons over my chest area...which for me cause more stress then anything... green tea has something in it i find rather sooothing and same with the oatmeal I can't remember where i read about those it but I will try and find it and repost it here.
I found this article very helpful http://www.webmd.boots.com/diet/ss/slideshow-diet-for-stress-management
(black tea and oranges are key for me as I think i mentioned before but one must research it just in case you cant drink it like)
I just found this artical on adrenal burnout which I'm still slowly reading though it makes sence for me so far that I may have this problem....