I obtained the following information from an online bitchute video by Fritz Springmeier which is to be found at this link
If you happen to be involved in a serious and traumatic accident your mind will automatically build an amnesia wall around the section of your mind that holds the memory of the accident in order to protect you from remembering the trauma. Illuminati Satanists discovered this to be the case in the distant past and they used to to create undetectable monarch mind control slaves throughout most if not all of the world.
They first select very young children and they traumatise them to an extreme degree until amnesia walls are created inside the minds of those children. The children's minds are said to be splintered or split into many dissociated pieces.
The illuminati satanist who is known as a mind programmer or a slave handler then pulls up one of the dissociated pieces of the childs mind and brings it to the front so that it can be programmed. The programmer then programs that dissociated piece of the childs mind into a particular personality known as an alter personality. An alter personality can be programmed to still believe that they are a human being but they can alternatively be programmed to believe that they are a horse or a cat or a door knob or any number of things. When that alter personality is in use, it would sincerely believe that it is not human if that was the way it was programmed.
The front personality of a monarch mind control slave remains normal and is very genuine and honest due to the fact that they are unaware that they have altar personalities. They are also unaware that they are monarch mind controlled slaves and that they have slave handlers who may be their own work colleagues. Unbeknownst to the front genuine personality the alter personalities can be programmed to attend Satanic Ritual Abuse sessions and to take part in satanic ritual abuse.
In other online videos some victims of satanic ritual abuse have come forward stating that they have seen well known people with positions of responsibility in society taking part in satanic ritual abuse of children. Those well known people could possibly be monarch mind control slaves who are not in attendance at satanic ritual abuse sessions of their own free will but instead one of the alter personalities is programmed to be in attendance and to abuse children while there. In one online video about monarch mind control programming it was suggested that some top level clergy within the catholic church such as cardinals may be being subjected to monarch mind control programming without their awareness and any number of their colleagues could in fact be their slave handlers. Slave handlers use hand gestures and access codes to pull up different alter personalities of their monarch mind controlled slaves. Occasionally, when a monarch mind controlled slave has committed an illegal act which they were earlier programmed to commit their memory of the event is then deleted be means of them receiving an electric shock because electrocution destroys short term memories.
The creating and maintaining and use of Monarch Mind Control Slaves throughout the world is widespread and it is being used for for worldwide takeover among many other uses. In order to create vast numbers of monarch mind control slaves possibly hundreds of thousands of children are being tortured around the world at any one time in order to split their minds so that they can be used as slaves for the rest of their lives. The Satanic illuminati have become so powerful throughout the world now that in some instances the police are afraid to confront them. What will we as a world community do to solve this problem?

Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have published a widely available book called 'How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave."

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