I was placed under neural control in approximately 2003 where neural interface technology was placed inside me without my knowledge or consent. Neural interface technology is bi-directional so it can be used to both steal bio-data from my brain and central nervous system as well as to send unwanted information to my brain and central nervous system in order so that the criminals can gain partial or total control over my central nervous system. One of the staff members of the worldwide criminal organisation who install neural interace technology in unaware men and women transmitted the following message to me this morning as follows
"We are capturing slaves by placing their central nervous systems under neural control so that we can immobilize them at will if ever they are disobedient to our voice transmissions."
As this method of placing a potential slave under neural control is invisible the burdon of proving that this is occurring throughout the world has been placed with the victims. I am such a victim and I have emailed the Lab director at Imperial College, London, Mr Timothy Constandinou asking him how we the victims of non-consensual neural control should go about proving that this widespread invisible crime has been perpetrated against us. If anybody else has any knowledge of how I can prove that this crime has been perpetrated against me please let me know.
Yours Sincerely, Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland
My Landline Home Phone Number is 094 9360901. My website which I alone own and control is called
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