I have a question to ask our audience and welcome any and all comments.

How have you come to know THAT you are a victim of targeting?  Were you told this by someone? 

As a person on the outside looking in and BECAUSE I want to help victims obtain justice and medical care, I'd like to better understand what it is that you're going through.  Additionally, I believe that I know personally, people who are being targeted; therefore, I have a vested interest in this understanding, beyond simple curiosity. 

To be very basic and elementary, and as a cause 'n effect example, I offer you the following.  When I have a headache, I take a couple of aspirin because I know this 'medicine' is designed to provide relief from the discomfort of a headache.  So, in the same way, if you're hear voices (via skull technologies)-- HOW IS IT that you believe certain technologies are in fact the culprit? Is my question clear? 

Remain strong and all the best to you.  ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady)  Florida, USA

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  • In my case, I was drugged by someone I actually knew. I woke up to them laughing at me and had no idea what had been done to me. They went days (in my presence) while playing games with me and trying to make me act crazy. My perp is such a coward he actually made me believe he was saying things about me in the other room, and then when I confronted him and told him to say it to my face, he had nothing to say. PATHETIC...I couldve actually thought I was just going crazy though, except for days later, after we had parted ways, he put it out there, as he was simply too impressed with what he done and taunted me with "I CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHHHHTTSSSSS" and laughed maniacally. It has been a very long time since then, and it has been him the whole time. The perps will try and trick you into thinking that others are involved, but they are not. 

    I obviously cannot explain this technology or how it works, but it is all based on memories. For instance, the perps can use anyones "voice" that you have a memory of. Hence, why they can plant thoughts for you as everyone knows what their own voice sounds like. I do believe that people are employed to do this, as clearly thousands of people have been randomly chosen by pervert psychos to torture, and it is all a game. However, my perp (I used to live with) is doing this for pure fun -- he has no life, and nothing to do all day. He even shook my hand after having done this to me (when I wasn't yet aware of his insanely selfish and disgusting act against humanity). 

    But quite frankly, unless you were experiencing it -- there is no absolute way of knowing. You personally know when a voice blooms into your head after a blackout, that isn't yours. There is no easy way of putting it - unless I was personally experiencing this, It would be unexplainable to me. You will never understand what it is like, unless you are unfortunate enough to have to live thankful for that. 

    I count my blessings, and realize how fortunate I am regardless of any situation, but I promise you YOU NEVER WANT TO LIVE THIS, and the beginning is the worst. The pain is indescribable - the total invasion of privacy is beyond inhumane...

  • It took me long enough. By the time I found out about gang stalking there were a lot of dots.
  • It appears apparently that all the dots are joined and connected why these are all happening.

  • First off, I'd like to say that I have tremendous admiration for anybody who is living through this experience. It is horrendous beyond words to have ones mind invaded everyday. In my case, I connected the dots pretty easily because I know my perp. He basically revealed everything to me in order that he could make my life a living hell. It turned out that controlling my life was a form of entertainment for himself and his girlfriend. The V2K was pretty easy to piece together as I went through a phase of trying to record the audio, and, of course, it is completely non-detectable. As with most perps, they are not the brightest of people, and I managed to piece together how basically the system functions by talking to him through sub-vocal speech. The whole system is based on cell tech, satellites, whatever it can use to get to the person who is supposed to be harassed. The energy it uses is visible, and it operates through modern location-based systems like GPS and triangulation, but a large part of the human identification is done through finger-print analysis, facial ID, and eye-ID. If you've heard of programs like TEMPEST, it is similar to searches for local electrical souces to use, then it streams over to zap the nervous system. You'll find a lot of the accounts of body pains, rashes, etc are because of this...

    What my neighbor did was hijack a system that had already been in place. In my case, I think it was put out on myself and my family due to my Father's activities during the sixties when he was in various Communist groups, protests, etc...he was a very visible member of revolutionary organizations so I think they targeted him and our family.

  • Lyn, It is called 'Uninformed consent'. I was intimidated into signing without being allowed to read it. Therefore the consent was 'uniformed' and thus not binding.

    They did use this contract to sell me over then internet and through the tech that we understand as mind control. I have experienced a different path than most due to my signing a contract.

  • I found that not sharing anything about my experience with my family, and hiding the feelings I had, allowed my family to see me as normal rather than them being 'assaulted' by me imposing my otherworldy experience upon their perfect worlds. I hid it and thus, I saved my relationships with them. They do not know I hear voices that are from a machine. I have never told them and likley wont until it comes out publicly that we exist. Even then I dont know how I will break it to them. I mean, when we as the 'mind controlled' hang out with others, we are putting them at risk. At any time the control ers  of the machine could take over and make you do something catastrophic, like Alexis did. Then you also expose your family to the mind sweepers that look into minds for possible long term habitation.

    Ultimately seeking out family might be more selfish than we intend it to be.

  • Nick:  Excellent overview above.  The main object of all oppression is to cause DIVISION between their "subjects" so that the UNITY is lost among them.  This is of particular importance when it comes to family units since already their unity because of the numbers of persons in a given family unit is a threat.  War and take over is always getting rid of the enemy, one by one.  And in this case scenario (the family unit)... if your enemy believes that the number of members in your family are too large, then most likely,  they get control by division by creating internal chaos and disbelief.  Remember, when we're arguing THEY are winning.  STRENGTH is always a short distance behind numbers of people with a steadfast personal belief.    

  • I didnt know that about Paul and John. Im merely inclined to presume were targeted for specific profiling traits, that such MO precludes having a whole family of TI's. However have read and retrospectively suspect of my own case, that family members (including pets) can be targeted with DEW torture and gangstalking etc along with a primary TI as a way to drive a wedge between them, to force the primary TI out o the family unit. Thats what i understand is one of their primary objectives on the home front, along with doing the same between the TI and their social circles

  • Nick, I understand that Paul Baird and John Finch's whole family were also targeted and have been subjected to electronic harassment and tortures.  If it happened or has been happening to Harry and his family, why would it be suspicious and unbelievable.

  • AL, you said that you were not allowed to read the contract and it consisted of more than what you were told.  Were you saying that you voluntarily signed a contract or agreement without knowing the content or terms of it nor read it, and did not get a copy of what you signed?  In terms of legally binding and enforceable, if you signed a written contract then generally you are bound by all of its terms even if you did not read or understand them.  In certain circumstances, a person who is mentally ill or intellectually disabled, or a minor at the time is not bound by a contract entered into. A contract is void when a party or offeree to the contract is a minor, or mentally incapacitated/incompetent. A contract is voidable when a party or offeree  to the contract was intoxicated at the time of the execution of the contract; the party or offeree was compelled to sign by duress, undue influence, and unconscionable bargaining tactic; executed by misrepresentation or fraud.  A voidable contract is a legally enforceable agreement unless or until the offeree or party to the agreement chooses to oppose its enforcement and treat it as void, or rescind it.  Only the court has the power to make the contract unenforceable or rescind it.

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