How I am tortured

The Perps have hacked my iPhone, MySpace laptop and tablet.
They have tortured me under my feet.
They have raped me until I cried out to God Blaming him for not helping me. Then I discovered cold water it made my private part numb. The Girl Perp Joyce is the meanest woman I have ever met. She tries to force me to masterbate. Which I Refuse. I am not A Lesbien.
The girl Perp lauged about it so hard. She was very pleased with her self.
She is very interested in my Private aparts. They know it makes me angry and sad. The Male perp said they are going to rape me every day. It's all about sex for them. Every now and then they rape me, He aims at my private part all dat long. Then he insunates that I want him

She covered her voice with the male Perps. I rally don't care what they have to say about me. So this is what I have to deal with.

Bye bye for now,
Angelina Klas

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