How much more can I take?

I finally went to a ear doctor and he said my ears look fine but from what I told him which was just that I hear high pitch sounds and actually went deaf for a few days in my left ear. Had green stuff coming out of that ear too. Ofcourse it went away without even a dose of an antibiotic.

Since 2007 or prior I have been dealing with V2K and the the gang stalking. The police won't help even after I took plates down. Pictures are no good either.

I moved and guess what I saw 2 weeks after I moved? 3 cars that had been written down numerous times back in 2008 and 2009. Yes they live in the same complex as I did. I moved again. I called police and gave them the plate numbers, makes and models. They said they were registered to the same person out of Milwaukee. I don't know anyone in Milwaukee, WI

Now I have lost the only thing I cared about and that is my kids. I'm homeless, jobless, carless and see my boys about 5 to 15 minutes a week if I'm lucky because I need to walk there. I was lucky enough to get them birthday presents and by them their energy drinks that they like.

No one believes me but this doctor says in 15 minutes he can find out if their is something medically wrong with my ear. So I am going. But than I hear this transparent eye thing. I have known for awhile but hoped it wasn't true. They see what you see and what you do? How sick are these people? I may know two of them.


He denied it but I caught him in too many lies. He is involved protected by the police dpt.

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