Here is some info I got on Youtube about how the perps are paid, possibly true or not -
I am a perp controller. I get $482 per hour for my own work and am paid 10% of each direct perp reporting to me. I get 10% of 10% of each level. I have perps working for me at the 32nd level - over 900,000 people now in my pyramid. There are about 100 of us working at my level. You are an idiot - we make MUCH more than you state, and have everyone on earth under surveillance, by an average of 20 stalkers for each victim. There is nothing we can't see and nothing we won't do to control you.
Yes, they put many dreams into my head of gay and bisexual woman having sex or looking into a room that has a nude woman (I reacted very well in my dreams and told them where to get off), they also hook up their minds into mine, and pump their own sexual excitement through me, meaning that I am supposed to think this is my energy, when it is theirs (I know myself better than they do apparently), they do the same sexual energy exchange around me when I'm around children, they've shown me a mother sexually abusing her child in nappies via holographic imaging, they've shown me dogs being buried alive if I give a dog too much attention, my mother's dog being sliced into 4. They laugh about the children, and ask me why I have such a knee jerk reaction, because the children enjoy the pedophilia. Does this make me a little hardened, and more than determined to see justice done - yes!! God is our greatest weapon against them, and they hate that, I believe they are attacking my Pastor now, but I'm praying protection over him and the church. I realized this morning, that they are literally nothing without their victims and our responses, the more we respond, the more they get paid. Cut their money down