I'm basing this informations on the following:My ex-boyfriend implanted me with some type on nano-ear implant.A doctor also inserted implants in the back part of my neck.On a daily basis, or when I'm interviewing for positions, this happens:I start to have strange thoughts that are not of my own.Then, the position is either retracted, or I'm petrified due to the unusual thoughts I'm having.Here's what I think/feel is happening:Two entities (maybe more; whoever pays for the priviledge???) can "watch" my thoughts, at any given time.One entity can manipulate my thoughts.The other can see the results of that manipulation from another perspective.This is happening to me right now:The things they "project" into my head, can be seen as my thoughts by other people. Thus damaging my ability to acquire the career positions that I've held in the past.Does this make sense to anyone else?