Greg gamache, aka governmentalienrobotgod, has been identified by multiple agencies as a TI who preys on other TIs for monetary reasons. He uses bogus petitions as a basis for eventually asking for money in order to proceed.  

If you are tired of getting messages from Greg,  go to his profile page and find the Block Messages button on the left side not far down from his avatar picture.

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  • On a very serious note, why does he refuse to publish his FBI contact details?

    I gladly would take care of checking this story out in full cooperation with the agent responsible for this pseudo case.

    PLiiiiise Greg. Give it to me.

  • sue please just look at his lawsuit model , can`t you see its seriously flawed ...I am all for TI`s taken legal action but they are going to have a uphill battle ..they need a well thought out case with evidence & experts on their side , these mass fillings ,mass action will seriously damage any REAL legal case that somebody has token the time to put together and has a REAL chance of getting anywhere    

  • lol this is greg pretending to be someone else

    only thing Greg was going to set up was another bank acct in another name using whatever
    donations he got is the more likely scenario.

    Greg never finished the process needed to become non profit. The non profit paperwork he started in 2011, IRS dissolved it by Nov or Dec 2012.

    omment by CarpathianHumanRightsLawReform 22 hours ago

    Hey david, you are full of shit, Greg sent out one of his newsletters about that.

    It wasnt to pay them 30 grand, it was 30, 000 eh victims on facebook, check the post

    He was going to set up a not for profit so victims could donate to it and have teh amount donated taken off of their taxes, thats what a not for profit allows

    he was going to do this so he and his group could pay for all of the options they ahd to end eh, including hiring lobbyists, law firms, petition circulators, etc

    learn what you are talking about before you just open yoru mouth

    you are sounding like a perp here

  • flawless-victory.jpg?w=418

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  • No you didnt.

  • keep-calm-and-come-to-daddy-5.png

  • I could stop but i'm bored and this is fun.

    (makes me think of something too, hopefully you too)

  • Would he behave differently if helping really was his intention?

    Like answering with compassion to all attacks for instance...which he hasn't done once by the way.

    In the contrary even, floods of insults and vulgarity were used instead. This, by the way, is a sign of guilt.

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