Write details about the patient under the following headings:-
Weekly Diet,
Stress Levels,
Sleep Quality,
Physical Activity Levels,
Oxygen levels in your blood stream.
Exposure to Environmental Toxins,
Oxygen Intake Levels,
Sunlight Levels,
Gut Purification through Fasting and Cleaning,
Blood Test Results.
Of all of the above the easiest and quickest method of returning the patient to optimum health in my opinion is to increase the level of oxygen getting into the body by some of the following means:-
If you breath through your nose you increase the amount of oxygen getting into your body by twenty percent so keep your mouth closed. In fact, you should tape your mouth shut each night. You can also increase the level of oxygen getting into your body by taking droplets of chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide in water. You can drink ozonated water or take black oxygen. Oxygen totally purifies the human body which then allows it to cure whatever is wrong with you. I am not a medical professional and this is my private opinion.