How to deal with a perp?

How do I deal with a perp who is harassing me? I've come across this question when I sit alone and think. What would I do? I feel like I would simply fight them, maybe put them in the hospital. I tried this on one occasion. I got drunk and was fed up and yelled at the neighbours wo were harassing me. Funny story, I was thrown in a drunk tank and had to walk five klicks home in minus 40 below weather the next morning. I felt proud of myself actually, yet it tought me never to do something as foolish again. I am of heavy build and perps generally leave me alone except for when they are in a group. I feel I could get my hands on one of them and do some damage, I fear it actually. All the pent up hate and agression,I sit and endure the torture as best as I can, the pain and suffering weighs down on a guy in this situation. I strive not to become angry because that is what they want. They've witnessed my self control countless times and don't bother with the childish taunting much. 

 I can fight, they know this. Generally these days they leave the harassment to familiar cars and suv's that pass me whenever I'm out for a walk. Very rarely do they confront or taunt me physically. Maybe that's all it takes? Be able to defend yourself? I have heard the theories that the perps are trained in combat, yet they seem too cowardly to confront and taunt me.

 Maybe training in martial arts would help some of you. There must be several downloadable instructional dvd's out there on TPB and other torrent sites. I suggest investing ten minutes in time to download a DVD or two. If anything it will give you the courage and confidence to walk the streets free of harassment.

 That being said, every T.I case is different. My point is, from my experience, if you have the skill, no matter how minor, they may in fact leave you alone.

 To the female T.I's reading, you probably, and I would hope, walk in populated areas. If you have some skill in which to defend yourselves martial arts would give you the confidence to face your attackers, even if all they have is words as a weapon. I suggest a weapon of your own. A kabuton can be a debilitating weapon if struck in the right manor and in the correct place, it's all about pressure points and bringing your opponent to their knees for a quick getaway. I have made a few of these myself, basically it's a sharpened stick, blunt at the tip, that is used to strike pressure points and cause tremendous pain. 

 There is a difference in defending yourself and picking a fight. I believe in peace over brawn, thought and consideration over calous action. I also believe every individual has a right to defend themselves and their families. 

 Please, empower yourselves, if you fight the weapons that make your knees shake and stand up for your own well being you will have already won.

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