How to destroy these electronic V2K devises

They can be found in your shoes, cellphone and car (when you travel). They operate via cell phone towers - not satellites. To make sure you don't have any on your clothing wear really lite t-shirts and pants. They are easier to find if they are placed in light clothing (I doubt this is possible yet). If you think your shoes have a V2K device in them - put them in the microwave. What happens when you put a fork in the microwave? Lots of sparks. You will fry all the internal wires of the chip and render it useless. Make sure that if you decide to microwave your shoes or pants, they don't have any metal in them...Rules to live by:1)Light clothing2)Avoid metal so you can microwave your clothing3)remember that if you place your keys or cellphone in the microwave they will fry as well.4)Try not to over microwave your shoes - 2 minutes melted a little bit of the plastic.5)Wear lots of cheap sandals so it won't bother you to tear them open when you search for your V2K device.6)Also, some appear to be as small as a pea :(7)They seem to have a pretty long working distance. :( Depends on how "sensitive" you are.8)be careful if you decide to open your electronics!!!!!!!!!!!Another Tortured soul looking to end this illegal harassment :(
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