How to make a Parabolic Mirror

What to when your're heavily attacked.

Protect yourself against  electricmagnetic waves.

A Parabolic (or parabolic or Paraboloidal) reflector surface used to collect or project engergy such  as light, sound, or radio waves. It's shape is a part of a circuar parabola, that is , the surface gnaeratedbya parabola revolving around it's axis.Paraboic reflectors are used to collect energy from a distant source (for example soundwaves or incoming star light). A scientist told me that is possible to block electricmagtic waves with Parabolic mirrors.

You also can use Metal stainless steal to make it better. I would put the metal between the space blanket and the wood. I am sharing what I have discovered. Help is all we need.

They torture me on my vegina so I wet my pants.

All because I write to you all on Peacepink about Parabolic Mirrors.

I can tell the're very weak.

The male Perp thinks I want him. SMELLY RAT!!

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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