I found the following quote from this site http://istina.rin.ru/cgi-bin/eng/print.pl?sait=1&id=360
"The NSA and the airforce regulate the use of voice to skull technologies for the US. Since the use of these technologies is not banned by law the government may use them at will. The only way to stop the electronic abuse of civilians is to expose the technology in its entirety, that means enough technical data so the technology can be reproduced and demonstrated to show the possible detrimental effects it has on a human being. Not exposing a working technical example renders all the articles useless in stopping the torture of innocent women and children with these technologies. Work must continue to further research and explain the finer technical points that will allow ordinary people to reproduce this technology themselves which will allow demonstrations in court that will convince a jury of 12 ordinary citizens. It's not rocket science and every major country in the world already has the technology in their military arsenal so there is no reason to keep it secret. It is only a secret from normal civilians and it is only used on civilians now that the big secret is known worldwide by governments."
I think this is exactly what we should try to do in order to end our harassments.