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  • I understand Matthew and agree and has also myself questioned the fact making profit on suffering and desperate victims, especially while knowing exactly what a horrible suffer a TI goes through...I havent tried the e-book myself and from what I have heard, it has improved the situation for some TI´s, (not set free however) combined with treatment at a Lense-institute and lots of stuff. I also recall the "Electrical Angel" was in here on PP in person, explaining some, maybe you can do a member search and look for info directly with the author. Take care/Annie

  • If you mean a website here it is:
  • Targeted Individuals Support Groups ? Does Quwave Defender have one ?
  • Steve, Yes, I heard that too. This is what we have right now in terms of fighting this back, together with the QuWave Defender. /Annie
  • i heard theres $100 reduction in price --> click link n this website:
  • Ok, so this link was sent to me from an US victim, she has started the de-programming and says she actually is improving. So I put it out here again, so that it wont be unnoticed by anyone.

  • I will ask again if anyone here has seen this or read the book?-see the link on my blogpost//Annie
  • Somebody should buy this book its downloadable for $200 and a post it as a downloadable link for everybody can download it free.
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