TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Congress should change its rules to require that non-emergency legislation and conference reports be posted on the Internet for 72 hours before debate begins." TAKE ACTION ON Peru Violence, US Silence TAKE ACTION ON Stop the Internet Rip-Off of 2009 TAKE ACTION ON End Government Harassment of Pakistani Champion of Women's Rights TAKE ACTION ON Tell the EPA to Give Obama the Power to Rescue the Climate TAKE ACTION ON New Cal-OSHA heat regs still won't work TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Strengthen Climate Bill[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON The EPA Needs to Hear from You about Global Warming TAKE ACTION ON The EPA Needs to Hear from You about Global Warming TAKE ACTION ON Support Peace and Development, Say No to Military Action TAKE ACTION ON Support a Cautious Response to the Iranian Election[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON Urge your Representative to support Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act TAKE ACTION ON Call Your Senators: Support a Fast and Fair Confirmation Process for Judge Sonia Sotomayor TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Where do your Senators stand on a public healthcare option? TAKE ACTION ON Tell the EPA to protect us from global warming TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Support Peace and Development, Say No to Military Action TAKE ACTION ON Stop Needless Deaths TAKE ACTION ON Act now. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009. TAKE ACTION ON Remove the Trojan Horse from Global Warming Legislation TAKE ACTION ON RE: Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0171 - fight climate change TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Rep. to Work for Climate Change TAKE ACTION ON Strengthen ACES! Invest in America’s workers and communities! TAKE ACTION ON Please support the TRADE Act! TAKE ACTION ON Join Al Gore for an urgent briefing TAKE ACTION ON Take Action Today: Help EPA Fight Global Warming! TAKE ACTION ON Give us health care freedom! TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Create a Consumer Watchdog Agency TAKE ACTION ON Petition for Financial Accountability and Security TAKE ACTION ON Ask Your Senator to Support Health Care Reform TODAY! TAKE ACTION ON Personally Announce Your Plan for Peace in Sudan TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Remove toxic chemicals from food containers! TAKE ACTION ON Council for a Livable World Survey on the Pennsylvania Senate Contest TAKE ACTION NO Settlement freeze now. TAKE ACTION ON Health Equity and Accountability Act TAKE ACTION ON Ask the Senate to Work Across the Aisle TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON A Primer on Reconciliation and the Health Care Debate TAKE ACTION ON Demand Justice- Sign the Petition TAKE ACTION ON Condemn the Attacks on Latinos and Sotomayor, Now! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Moral Voices Unite for Immigration Reform TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Urge Congress to Improve Foreign Aid Efforts TAKE ACTION ON FOREIGN ASSISTANCE REFORM ACT OF 2009 TAKE ACTION ON Tell the United States government to condemnkillings in the Peruvian Amazon TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Global Warming Action TAKE ACTION ON Write Your Local Newspaper – Urge Congress to Strengthen and Pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act!Write Your Local Newspaper – Urge Congress to Strengthen and Pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act! TAKE ACTION ON Stand Up against Hate Crime: Write your Senator to Support the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Preventio TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell Your State Legislator: We Need Federal Health Care Reform Now! TAKE ACTION ON Texas Beach Land Grab TAKE ACTION ON CA State Parks Closures TAKE ACTION ON Cap global warming pollution now TAKE ACTION ON Stand Up against Hate Crime: Write your Senator to Support the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Preventio TAKE ACTION ON Support the FY 2010 Budget Request for UN Funding TAKE ACTION ON Urge your Congressional Representative to Support Medical Marijuana Legislation TAKE ACTION ON Tell the UK government to clean up global finance at the UN financial crisis summit. TAKE ACTION ON Global Warming Action TAKE ACTION ON CNBC compares Iran elections to Employee Free Choice Act. Set the record straight with Jim Cramer & Erin Burnett. TAKE ACTION ON Broadcast Operations for the 21st Century: Benefits, Strategies and Lessons Learned from Centralization and Convergence TAKE ACTION ON Thanks for Reaching Out!