TAKE ACTION ON President Barack Obama TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Will Supreme Court Change Course With New Justice?Exit this survey TAKE ACTION ONTell President Obama and Congress where you stand. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell us how the current health care system has impacted you or someone you love who was diagnosed with cancer. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON The Employee Free Choice Act TAKE ACTION ON Thanks for RSVPing for the forum with Howard Dean TAKE ACTION ON Urge President Obama to Nominate a Woman to the Supreme Court TAKE ACTION ON Tell your senators to save our waterways from uncontrolled pollution TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Support Single-Payer Healthcare for Everyone in America! TAKE ACTION ON Speak Up for Peace TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Thank you METRIC,for taking action to support Single-Payer healthcarefor everyone in America by expandingand improving Medicare for All.What you can do next:TELL your own health insurance storyVISIT GuaranteedHealthcare.orgWATCH patient video storiesFollow the money:Health Sector Has Donated Millions to LawmakersWashington Post 03/08/09Health Insurers & Drug Companies Contributed $5.5 Million toTop 10 Senate and House Recipients Since 03/09/09TELL FRIENDS about this campaign!Thanks againSending your message to: TAKE ACTION ON Only Four Days to Save the Polar Bear TAKE ACTION ON Why We Need The Public Option TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON NKorea vows to conduct nuclear test unless UN apologisesAsk your Senators to cosponsor the FDA regulation of tobacco billWe apologize, but the action alert you are attempting to access is no longer active.Please consider taking action on other issues.Ask President Obama to Make History AgainTake action on this issueWe must seize this moment in history to ask President Obama to make history again by pushing the Congress to act on this life-saving legislation.Pass FDA Regulation of Tobacco ProductsTake action on this issueTell Congress that it is time to pass bipartisan legislation authorizing the FDA to regulate tobacco products.Join faith leaders in calling on the Senate to regulate tobaccoTake action on this issueFaith landing page for emails to the Senate after House vote TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Defend President Obama from Newt Gingrich's attacks TAKE ACTION ON Email Congress to stop off shore loopholes TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Impeach Jay Bybee TAKE ACTION ON Tell Gov. Barbour to Oppose the Tobacco Tax TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Lost in TransitionThe Costs and Consequences of the Pending Program to Modernize the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex TAKE ACTION ON The EU could ban its trade in seal products TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Your Voice is Crucial on Climate Change! TAKE ACTION ON Across the globe human rights defenders face various forms of persecution in their everyday struggle for human rights TAKE ACTION ON Convince the IMF to use proceeds from gold sales to help developing countries, and do so without attaching harmful conditions or creating more debt. TAKE ACTION ON Sign the open letter to President Obama TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON BILLBOARDS CRITICIZING ISRAEL TAKEN DOWN FIVE WEEKS BEFORE CONTRACT HAD EXPIRED PLEASE CALL OR WRITE TAKE ACTION ON Join the virtual immigration march TAKE ACTION ON Demand justice for Black farmers denied USDA aid TAKE ACTION ON 100 Days: The Heritage Foundation's Survey on the Obama Agenda TAKE ACTION ON Don't Bind President Obama's Hands! TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress No More Unfair Trade-Pact Handouts for Bailed Out Banks TAKE ACTION ON Become a Climate Precinct Captain TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress you support President Obama on Israel and Iran TAKE ACTION ON Representatives Boehner, Pence, Cantor, and Price Sign No Climate Tax Pledge TAKE ACTION ON Iran: Say No to U.S. Gasoline Embargo TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell President Obama: We need a non-partisan inquiry to make sure we don't repeat past mistakes TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Rally in Sacramento: End Time Adds TAKE ACTION ON Impeach Jay Bybee TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Palestinian Aid Package Needed for Peace Progress! TAKE ACTION ON INDIA: Please prevent more malnutrition deaths in Madhya PradeshINDIA: Please prevent more malnutrition deaths in Madhya Pradesh> PAKISTAN: Three political activists are found murdered after daylight abduction> PAKISTAN: Military henchmen kill three farmers and injure 27 others> NEPAL: The case of Dalit woman forced to eat human excreta must be investigated> PAKISTAN: A person is chained still chained after 34 years in a private jail and authorities ignore his detention> THAILAND: Demand for release from jail of man sentenced to ten years for lese majesty> INDIA: Please ensure food security to stop malnutrition deaths in Khandwa district, Madhya Pradesh> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a man during interrogation> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture some men during interrogation> MYANMAR: Two journalists imprisoned for helping cyclone victims visit UNDP and ICRC[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Members of Congress to Include Long Term Services and Supports in Health Care Reform TAKE ACTION ON Please co-sponsor H.R. 2139, the Initiating Foreign Assistance Reform Act of 2009 TAKE ACTION ON On Thursday April 30th, nearly 100 Wal-Mart workers are going to Capitol Hill to tell their members of Congress about Wal-Mart’s poor wages, benefits, and working conditions. TAKE ACTION ON Obama opens door to Palestinian unity government, Seeks humanitarian aid for Palestinians TAKE ACTION ON Let Washington know where you stand TAKE ACTION ON Send this video to ten friends! TAKE ACTION ON Global Day of Action for Troy Davis TAKE ACTION ON The economic crisis has touched all of us, regardless of the states where we live or the industries in which we work -- whether it's health care or education, real estate or construction, technology or manufacturing. That's why the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is designed to provide relief and reinvestment across the board. TAKE ACTION ON Health Reform Must Be A Priority! TAKE ACTION ON Save Bats From White-nose Syndrome and Extinction TAKE ACTION ON Free Roxana Saberi TAKE ACTION ON Thanks for letting us know that you made the call! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Keep Nuclear Power out of Senate Energy Bill TAKE ACTION ON Support the American Clean Energy and Security Act TAKE ACTION ON Other Advocacy Campaigns you can participate in:Help Shape the Next President's First 100 Days!Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild AmericaSign Onto Our 2009 Green Energy AgendaSign Our Petition: Urge the TX SBOE to Teach Real ScienceSpread the Hope in Our Green Energy FutureStop California from Weakening Environmental ReviewTake Action to Help Pass a Cap on Global Warming PollutionTake Action: Support Clean Energy in ColoradoTheYoungTurksApril 27, 2009(more info)(less info) Want to Subscribe?Sign In or Sign Up now!Watch more at http://www.theyoungturks.comWatch more at http://www.theyoungturks.comCategory: News & PoliticsTags: the young turks cenk uygur torture barack obama george bush gop republicans iraq war cheney dick troops crimes fbi ali soufan major general taguba TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Urge the Senate to protect sharks TAKE ACTION ON Write Congress: End Forced Arbitration TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Defeat Cap and Tax!With the economy on shaky ground, you would think your elected officials in Washington, D.C. would try and find ways to ease the tax burden on hardworking Americans. Unfortunately, the powers that be on the far Left have other ideas TAKE ACTION ON President Obama: Say "NO" to Abstinence-Only Programs