TAKE ACTION ON Send Progressive Youth Activists to Washington! TAKE ACTION ON AFF Action Center - Call on Senator Specter to Apologize TAKE ACTION ON Hold Mississippi doctors accountable for their mistakes TAKE ACTION ON Write Congress: End Forced Arbitration TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Put a stop to the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Senators to Support the Paycheck Fairness Act TAKE ACTION ON Appropriations Subcommittee Should Vote No on Miliary Aid to Israel TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Please Help Protect Irreplaceable Wildlife! TAKE ACTION ON Obama’s Trillion Dollar Deficits in Pictures TAKE ACTION ON Irreplaceable goes to WashingtonHelp Us Reach Congress! Contact your U.S. House and Senate Members Today! TAKE ACTION ON Spread the Philadelphia Miracle TAKE ACTION ON Honor the Women in Your Life TAKE ACTION ON Tell Mexican authorities and Fortuna Silver Mines to respect indigenous territories and human rights TAKE ACTION ON Urge President Obama to Nominate a Woman to the Supreme Court TAKE ACTION ON[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON Bunny Greenhouse's Fight For Whistleblower Protection ContinuesTell Mexican authorities and Fortuna Silver Mines to respect indigenous territories and human rights TAKE ACTJION ON Not sure who represents you? Enter your Zip code to find your U.S. Senators and Representative, as well as your local legislators. TAKE ACTION ON I support President Obama's three principles for real healthcare reform, and I call on Congress to enact a plan upholding them in 2009 TAKE ACTION ON Help stop the Murkowski Amendment! TAKE ACTION ON Help Stop the Sri Lankan Bloodbath TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Ask Your Representative to Support the Initiating Foreign Assistance Reform Act! TAKE ACTION ON Don't let insurance companies dictate reform! TAKE ACTION ON Help put a stop to the world's dirtiest fossil fuel! TAKE ACTION ON Stop Attacks on Colombian Human Rights Defenders TAKE ACTION ON Check out photos of our petition delivery to President Obama at the White House. TAKE ACTION ON Improve opportunities for women and girls in AfghanistanImprove opportunities for women and girls in Afghanistan TAKE ACTION ON Please email your member of the House of Representives TODAY and ask them to sign on to the "dear colleague" letter to President Obama being circulated by Congressman Crowley (D) and Congressman Mazullo (R). TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Another insurance industry plan? We expect more! TAKE ACTION ON Tell Bank of America: Coal is over! Fund the Future! take action Support Genocide-Free Investing[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON Call Your Senators to Include Long-Term Services and Supports in Health Reform TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Support Teen Pregnancy Prevention TAKE ACTION ON Thanks for Reaching Out! TAKE ACTION ON President Obama, nominate a woman! TAKE ACTION ON Please know that I share your sense of urgency to bring peace to the Middle East. TAKE ACTION ON Confirm Dawn Johnsen as Head of the Office of Legal Counsel TAKE ACTION ON Tell the Senate: Support Vital Hate Crimes Prevention Laws! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Stand with Alex Sink TAKE ACTION ON Contact Information:Sen. Debbie Stabenow [Mich.] – Washington, D.C., office 202-224-4822Sen. John Kerry [Mass.] – Washington, D.C., office (202) 224-2742Sen. John Rockefeller [W.Va.] – Washington, D.C., office (202) 224-6472 TAKE ACTION ON Tell EPA to Protect Endangered Salmon from Toxic Pesticides TAKE ACTION ON Urge Congress to Safeguard our National Parks from Climate Change TAKE ACTION ON Other Advocacy Campaigns you can participate in:Stop the Rehoboth Beach Ocean OutfallStop the Unnecessary Destruction of Marine LifeMarine Life Protection Act Initiative- North Central CA Coast TAKE ACTION ON Help America's most vulnerable farm workers TAKE ACTION ON Learning about your Representative TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Ask Governor Barbour to Please Support the Cigarette Tax IncreaseThe House Bill 364 Conference Report was voted on and adopted by the Mississippi State Legislature. This important piece of legislation is now in the hands of the Governor. Please send an email to Governor Barbour asking him to sign the bill. TAKE ACTION ON When we launched the Unemployment LifeLine, it had information about more than 50,000 resources for unemployed people. Since then, the LifeLine has kept growing—we've added more than 10,000 food banks, health clinics, senior centers and aid organizations. Now we're adding a whole new kind of resource—live people.An important part of a successful meeting with your Member of Congress on the SOA/ WHINSEC issue in the 111th Congress is doing your homework. Here are some key places to get the information you need to know the history and background of your legislator and their support (or oppositon) to the issue:Check out the list of HR 1707 cosponsors from 2007-2008. These Members of Congress supported a suspension of operations at the SOA/ WHINSEC, an investigation of the school, and an assessment of U.S. foreign military trainingList of the new members in the House of Representatives for the 111th CongressVote results for the June 2007 Foreign Ops Amendment to cut funding for the SOA/WHINSECHouse of Representatives homepageSenate, a comprehensive source of information about Congress TAKE ACTION ON THE ECONOMY IS NOT WORKING FOR WORKING FAMILIES TODAY—AND HEALTH CARE IS A MAJOR PART OF THE PROBLEM TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACT ION ON TAKE ACTION ON Support Oceans-21: Healthy Oceans Legislation TAKE ACTION ON Support Single Payer Health Care TAKE ACTION ON Cosponsor Rep. McGovern's Afghanistan exit strategy bill TAKE ACTION ON Tell Bank of America: Coal is over! Fund the Future! TAKE ACT6ION ON Cosponsor Rep. McGovern's Afghanistan exit strategy bill TAKE ACTION ON Join the virtual vigil for heat victim Eladio Hernandez TAKE ACTION ON Gov't Gives BofA 30 Days to Shape Up - Sign Our Letter Now TAKE ACTION ON After you watch this video of their visit, enter your zip code and click Participate to join them in speaking out for the Employee Free Choice Act. TAKE ACTION ON Women Need Comprehensive Health Care Reform That Meets Their Needs This Year TAKE ACTION ON Ask Congress to Regulate our Personal Care Products TAKE ACTION ON End "Finning" -- Save the Sharks! TAKE ACTION ON For Mother's Day, Get Critical Aid to New Mothers Worldwide TAKE ACTION ONSend your Letter to the EditorTo create and send your letter, just follow these easy steps:-- Use your Zip Code to find publications in your region.-- Choose which newspaper will receive your letter via email.-- Compose your letter -- in your own words -- and click SEND TAKE ACTION ON Thank you for joining Queen Rania, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Natalie Portman and others in adding your name to The Big Read book. We will deliver the book to President Obama, along with your signature and message, on June 16. TAKE ACTION ON Stop the Proliferation of Invasive Species — and Protect Wildlife TAKE ACTION ON Urge your senators to support the EARLY Act TAKE ACTION ON Reform Federal Drug Laws TAKE ACTION ON Join Jeff Corwin to Help Save Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Shell: Stop Gas Flaring Now! TAKE ACTION ONTell President Obama to Protect Americans Against Dioxin NOW! TAKE ACTION ON ONE and The Global Campaign for Education will present The Big Read, a storybook promoting literacy and education worldwide, to President Obama on June 16 -- along with our request that he fulfill his campaign promise of contributing $2 billion to a Global Fund for Education. TAKE ACTION ON With a monthly gift through the Breast Cancer Fund's Gathering Momentum sustainer program, you will help us create significant inroads toward reducing toxic exposures, reforming the way we regulate chemicals in the United States and ultimately reducing breast cancer incidence. TAKE ACTION ON Ask Your Representative to Support Funding for Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming! TAKE ACTION ON President Obama will soon nominate a new Supreme Court justice, now that Justice David Souter has announced his retirement from the Court. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell the Department of Homeland Security to improve the treatment of asylum seekers immediately TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Nuclear Reductions Bill in Congress McGovern-Lungren Resolution TAKE ACTION ON Demand Justice for Luis Ramirez Sign the petition, in collaboration with MALDEF, to the Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Demand that they prosecute Luis’s murder as a federal Hate Crime. TAKE ACTION ON Protect the peace of this Oregon Forest TAKE ACTION ON Keep Obama's Military Budgets Clean! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Torture LamentOh God, Many of our religious communities are complicit in an attack on your image in humanity by supporting torture. On this National Day of Prayer, we seek to confess and repent of this grave sin and build communities of faith that reject torture. We pray for the healing of our broken nation and commit ourselves to ensuring that America never tortures again. Click below to add your “Amen.” TAKE ACTION ON Cosponsor the Healthy Families Act TAKE ACTION ON THE ECONOMY IS NOT WORKING FOR WORKING FAMILIES TODAY—AND HEALTH CARE IS A MAJOR PART OF THE PROBLEM. Across America, families are making hard decisions between paying for health care and paying for other necessities and struggling with a system that is too often cruel and inefficient. As President Obama has said, "Health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year." TAKE ACTION ON Tell the EPA to protect kids from dangerous pesticides in pet flea products TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Fighting Cancer Requires Health Care Reform TAKE ACTION ON Make a Special Mother's Day GiftMothers lead the way to lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; ensure their access to health care and quality education; and provide a moral and spiritual foundation. This Mother's Day, there is no greater gift you can give than investing in our children's future. TAKE ACTION ON Alert LetterCigarette Tax Increase Passes MS Legislature! TAKE ACTION ON Help Save America's Last Wild Forests TAKE ACTION ON We Want to Hear From You Take ZERO's Annual AWARE Reader Survey[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON At St. Joseph Health System our mission calls us to continually improve the health and quality of life of people in the communities we serve.[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Urge the Senate to Reform Credit Cards! TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Members of Congress to Include Long Term Services and Supports in Health Care Reform TAKE ACTION ON Support a Truth & Reconciliation Commission
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