TAKE ACTION ON Speak Out to Overturn Dangerous HHS Refusal Rule TAKE ACTION ON RSVP - "Call to Conscience: Cliffside Climate Action" April 20 TAKE ACTION ON We are working with genocide survivor organizations and other anti-genocide advocates around the world to stage Genocide Prevention Month in April. Add your name to the statement below and vow to observe Genocide Prevention Month. TAKE ACTION ON Soon, hunters armed with crude clubs will descend on harp seals—most of them just a few months old. By the time the hunters are done, the skinless bodies of thousands of dead seal pups will be left to rot on the ice. TAKE ACTION ON Reshaping Health Care for the 21st Century TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Reject the President's Record-Shattering Budget! TAKE ACT ION ON Tell Congress to Pass President Obama's Budget TAKE ACT ION ON Global Warming and Extinction: Write Your Newspapers! TAKE ACTION ON Protect Nonprofit Advocacy Rights! TAKE ACTION ON Yes! I want to help save the seals by donating to the ProtectSeals Campaign of The Humane Society of the United States. TAKE ACTION ONTake Action!Urge Congress to support the "EARLY" Act TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Petition to Barack Obama TAKE ACTION ON We can STOP cluster bombs from killing and maiming civilians TAKE ACTION ON Tell the Obama administration to let California implement its Clean Car Program TAKE ACTION ON Vermont SSM Bill - Senate 3/23/09 TAKE ACTION ON Stop Card Check Dead in Its Tracks! TAKE ACTION ON SynopsisA thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict -- 'Occupation 101' presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions. TAKE ACTION ON However, members of Congress will be under intense pressure to cut funding for many important programs keeping tens of thousands of families afloat. We need to remind them that difficult times are when these programs are needed the MOST. TAKE ACTION ON Protect the Integrity of the Serve America Act TAKE ACTION ON Reshaping Health Care for the 21st CenturyNew campaigns--- take action today!!!!Stop Europe's Unfair Trade Deals...Act now on Darfur...Iran- Release Women Human Rights Defenders...Support US-Russia talks to Reduce Nuclear Arsenals...Tell Govt of Nova Scotia to protect grey Seals...Do not resume whaling...No World Bank loan for palm oil in Papua New Guinea...Safe energy now! No taxpayer loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors....And much more…Take action USStimulus Package...Nominations… campaigns… HUMANRIGHT and ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPAIGNS unsubscribe from this list: send mail - unsubscribe TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Revoke Splenda approval now! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON This is Your Last Chance: Tell Your Representative to Support the Omnibus Public Land Management Act TAKE ACTION ON Ask Your Senators and Representatives to Support the GROWTH Act! TAKE ACTION ON Save the Bait: Protect Menhaden in the Gulf of Mexico TAKE ACTION ON Save the Westfield River, essential salmon habitat TAKE ACTION ON Help Imperiled Coral Reefs and Tropical Forests TAKE ACTION ON For U.S. Activists TAKE ACTION ON Standing up for animals' skins is a fight that we can win. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Healthcare in Crisis-Public Forum in Charlottesville, VA TAKE ACTION ON Tell President Obama that dirty Canadian tar sands have no place in our clean energy future TAKE ACTION ONThank you. By clicking, you've added your name to our petition to the African Union. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ONTell Congress "Thanks! Now Get Back To Work. TAKE ACTION ON Tell the President: Appoint an "Owner" Today! TAKE ACTION ON Call your Senators and Demand Accountability TAKE ACTION ON Take Action on President Obama's FY2010 Budget Request for Military Aid to Israel TAKE ACTION ON Email or Write Your Representatives TAKE ACTION ON Ensure Privacy in Health Care Reform TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON FDA Regulation of Tobacco Today- Healthy Hearts Tomorrow TAKE ACTION ON Fashion is no excuse for killing an animal. But every year, millions of individual animals are slaughtered for their skins. TAKE ACTION ON We Need a National High Speed Internet Policy TAKE ACTION ON SHOULD THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BE EXPANDED TO PROVIDE A SEAT FOR WASHINGTON, D.C.? TAKE ACTION ON Make 2009 the Year FDA Gets Authority over Tobacco Products TAKE ACTION ON The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 TAKE ACTION ON Real Relief for America! TAKE ACTION ON Ask the CPSC to Make Sure Safe Toy Laws Are Good For Everyone! TAKE ACTION ON Help Overturn an Outrage TAKE ACTION ON Thank you for your pro-Israel/pro-peace statement TAKE ACTION ON Who Can Save NY's Environmental Agency?