TAKE ACTION ON MAKE A GIFT TO SAVE JAGUARS TAKE ACTION ON Urge Senators to Support Kerry-Lugar Amendment TAKE ACTION ON Demand Release of Detained Colombian Activists, Victims of Baseless Prosecutions TAKE ACTION ON Join the Petition Drive for a National Cesar E. Chavez Holiday! TAKE ACTION ON States Grade: D Mental health care in America is in crisis. The nation’s mental health care system gets a dismal D. As the nation confronts a severe economic crisis, demand for mental health services is increasing -- but state budget cuts are creating a vicious cycle that is leaving some of our most vulnerable citizens behind. We must move forward, not retreat ... more TAKE ACTION ON IndictBushNow Campaign Donation TAKE ACTION ON House of Representatives to Vote on Historic FDA Tobacco Legislation TAKE ACTION ON Help Stop Pro-Nuke Budget Amendments NOW! TAKE ACTION ON ACLU PETITIONS TAKE ACTION ON CANADA PETITION ENVRO TAKE ACTION ON Make the Full Deployment of UNAMID a Reality TAKE ACTION ON Support People with Disabilities: Please Co-Sponsor H.R. 868 TAKE ACTION ON Protect Community TV TAKE ACTION ON Please click on GAA's featured action above, and help hold our political leaders accountable. If you have a few more minutes, we also need to hear your voice on the following issues: TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Healthcare NOT Warfare--Support H.R. 676 TAKE ACTION ON MORE FUNDING NEEDED TO FIGHT AIDS! TAKE ACTION ON No one seemed to notice the crumpled, filthy body lying in the dirt in the middle of the feedlot...the little sheep had fallen over, exhausted, injured, and starving after a 30-day journey in atrocious conditions with little food or water. He lay there for hours, the only sign of life his erratic breathing and occasional blinking. Finally a worker came over to him and carelessly picked him up, throwing his withered body onto the back of the truck bound for the market. Mercifully, the little sheep died before he could be slaughtered alive. TAKE ACTION ON Defend the Conscience Clause TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Show Congress the Faces of the Employee Free Choice Act! TAKE ACTION ON President Obama: Say "NO" to Abstinence-Only Programs TAKE ACTION ON End the Travel Ban on Cuba- Contact Your Senators TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress that You and Your Community Want the Budget to Reflect the President's Investments in America's Families. TAKE ACTION ON Congress: Keep domestic discretionary spending intact and continue to invest wisely in children! TAKE ACTION ON If you would like to attend this event, just click on the "Sign me up" button at the bottom of this page or on the envelope to the right! TAKE ACTION ON Urgent: Your Action Needed to Save Funding for International Development Programs! TAKE ACTION ON I'm ready to sticker on April 6-12 TAKE ACTION ON Support the Senate Budget Resolution TAKE ACTION ON Thanks for letting us know that you made the call! TAKE ACTION ON Advocacy for 2010 NIH Funding Starts Now TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Reject the President's Record-Shattering Budget! TAKE ACTION ON U.S. Health Care Reform: Vote Yes on the Budget TAKE ACTION ON DC COUPONS TAKE ACTION ON Email the Lt. Governor on Monday, March 30thOn Monday, March 30th please email Phil Bryant's office and ask the Lt. Governor to revive House Bill 364. A $1 cigarette tax would provide the state with $174 million in much needed revenue while reducing youth smoking by 20%. TAKE ACTION ON Financial Crisis: End Global Greed TAKE ACTION ON Tell Obama to Raise the Crisis in Tibet with Hu Jintao TAKE ACTION ON Underage Drinking and Drunk Driving SurveyExit this survey TAKE ACTION ON Leadership By Design: Ensuring Our LegacyLeaders are not born, they're developed. Either because of opportunity or necessity, someone takes charge and leads the way. Effective leadership is a destination achieved through careful thought, consideration and action.The 5th Annual NAACP Leadership 500 Summit is rapidly approaching. Participants will gather May 21-24, 2009 at the Phoenician Resort and Spa in Scottsdale Arizona to attend workshops, interactive panel discussions and general session led by prominent private sector, non-profit, corporate, and community leaders. TAKE ACTION ON Thank you for taking a few minutes to fill out our survey. Your comments will be vital to ACCION International as we work to expand microfinance initiatives worldwide. Your privacy is extremely important to us and your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. TAKE ACTION ON