TAKE ACTION ON Last Chance! Tell Congress to support meaningful health care reform in the federal budget. TAKE ACTION ON Please enter your email address to participate in this interactive survey. TAKE ACTION ON Ten years later, and we're still dying TAKE ACTION ON Design Barbara's Campaign Poster! TAKE ACTION ON Take Action to End Racial Profiling! It's Time to Stop Sheriff Joe. TAKE ACTION ON Save the UC Labor Centers! TAKE ACT ION ON End DJJ "Time Adds" TKAE ACTION ON Welcome Ambassador Susan Rice to the UN TAKE ACTION ON 60 Years of UN Peacekeeping: Send a Letter Thanking Peacekeepers for their Service. TAKE ACTION ON Help Get Cleaner Cars On America's Roads TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON A Better Plan: Winning the Peace in Afghanistan TAKE ACTION ON Tell your friends about the Better World Campaign. TAKE ACTION ON G20: Global Rescue Plan Now TAKE ACTION ON Afghanistan in Crisis: Tell Congress to Act Now TAKE ACTION ON Support the Fair Elections Now Act TAKE ACTION ON "Text the Secretary" TAKE ACTION ON Phone bank tonight to Repower America TAKE ACT ION ON MYANMAR: Two journalists imprisoned for helping cyclone victims visit UNDP and ICRC> PAKISTAN: Gender-biased judge should be transferred from rape trials> SRI LANKA: Police arbitrarily detain activist without reason> SRI LANKA: Parents illegally detained and tortured till son wanted by the police handed over to the police> INDIA: Police must act to ensure the safety of a human rights defender> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture and ill treat a man> PAKISTAN: Petition to bring Pervez Musharraf and his henchmen before the law> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a man; his lawyer receives threats from the police> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a man to get information> PHILIPPINES: Two farming villagers killed under pretext of a 'legitimate encounter' TAKE ACTION ON UN MILLENNIUM CAMPAIGN G20 Special TAKE ACTION ON April Fools Day 2009: Pick the Biggest Loser TAKE ACTION ON Vote Now for the Biggest Biofool! TAKE ACTION ON Campaign For Federal Whistleblower Protection Continues TAKE ACTION ON The G20 Summit: Creating the Global New Deal We Need TAKE ACTION ON Fair Elections Now Act. TAKE ACTION ON Remember Sheriff Joe? TAKE ACTION ON Around the world over 100 million people in over 2,000 events across more than 100 countries registered to Stand Up and Take Action against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals, from October 17-19. TAKE ACTION ON Support the Fair Elections Now Act ACTION ON Please increase diabetes funding at CDC and NIH TAKE ACTION ON It's time to stop letting Washington policymakers mortgage the future of our country, children and grandchildren. Send a letter to your elected officials today urging them to read the latest Citizen's Guide to the State of the Union's Finances and ask them what they're doing to tackle our federal government's deteriorating financial condition. TAKE ACTION ON "Text the Secretary" is an online interactive forum that can allow you to connect with Secretary Clinton directly. While Secretary Clinton travels across the world, you can submit your questions for her using this form. Secretary Clinton will select various questions to answer and they will be posted to this website after her trip. TAKE ACTION ON I urge you as a leader of the American Jewish community to speak out forcefully against Avigdor Lieberman’s inflammatory platform and rhetoric. Our community needs to stand up strongly for our shared values and our belief in democracy and equality. TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to track cloned animals. TAKE ACTION ON Postpone new oil and gas activities in the waters off Sakhalin Island immediately TAKE ACTION ON Break Up The Banks TAKE ACTION ON Stop the #1 Killer of African Children TAKE ACTION ON Sign up to become a Party Animal. TAKE ACTION ON At $2.9 trillion, the total risk to taxpayers of the financial bailout package Congress passed last year dwarfs the original $700 billion cost of the program, a watchdog office said on Tuesday. TAKE ACTION ON Tell your Congressperson to support Family Leave Insurance TAKE ACTION ON The G20 Summit: Creating the Global New Deal We Need TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON