human poem

humans so sensitive
more complicated
than some
some with a good heart
some of us have none
none in the meaning
they don't really  care
whilst others have hearts
you can tell because they share
the same passions and same pain
and emotions too
you hurt when they do
like in the same  shoes
think aswell and feel for that person
in time of need
dont think about yourself
others appeal
theres some on the other hand
just dont give a damn
dont feel remorse
normally a man
most women have feelings
much stronger and true
whilst some of us blokes
havent a clue
so this poem relates
to all of us a rule
whether your fat,slim
tall or your small
we are all human
think differently
our own opinons
with a vision to see
we are deffinately a world
come all agree
when theres trauma
theres a you and a me
we pity the sufferers
for what they havent got
some of us lucky
some of us not
so humans arent strange
we have hearts and feelings
gay,straight,black or white
different religions
same meanings
we dont use enough of our minds
as they say
only a bit,
frightening how much power
that we have got
isnt it
whilst most struggle to make ends meat
others are more happy and  dont struggle
tend to be more stable
and land on there feet
we different us humans
and i am glad that i am
to be truthful,trustworthy
be a better  man
we learn and we live
sometimes maybe disagree
a human is woman and a man
adam and eve

 best wishes n love lots


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