We, as victims, must communicate with those who will help. Legislators will fail us. We need the help of human rights advocates that are connected within universities. Like the University of California at Berkeley. I will continue to add universities and names of people with whom we must contact. There are many universities that have human rights programs. Please look up the names of staff and students involved in there human rights programs. Students need to know what is happening in the world that they are about to enter. Remember the late 60's and 70's. Don't wait for me to post them. I am exhausted most of the time.
Eric Stover, stover@berkeley.edu
Alexey Berlind, aberlind@berkeley.edu
Julie Freccero, juliefreccero@berkeley.edu
Lindsay Freeman, ifreeman@berkeley.edu
Alan Iijima, aiijima@berkeley.edu
Andrea Lamporos, alampros@berkeley.edu
Faris Natour, farisnatour@berkeley.edu
Jesse Nishinaga, jnishinaga@berkeley.edu
Audrey Taylor, Audrey.whiting@berkeley.edu
Look up "Senior Research Fellows" and see if can find addresses for these people and post them on peacepink.
Someone in Europe look up the universities that have human rights programs as a part of what they offer. There are many.