"The Red Footprint " received notice very alarmed teachers because their students were staying after school to go kill for a burrito , so I quickly gathered and requested assistance Seprona .
Upon arrival they found Captain lying in a field unable to move, staring . He had a rectal prolapse due to kick in the stomach and the possible introduction of an object, was malnourished and dehydrated. He was dying .
Thanks to the rapid response , Captain is recovering and
much better. From Gaia Shrine Seprona and thank the Red Footprint to save him, and those teachers for giving notice.
These children will be future abusers to work psychically raping enpisos neighborhood residents as people canceling psychotronic .
Would have to see that families are and identify them publicly so that people were not protected and we relacionaramos them not to suffer.
I as a citizen want to see the face of these children, if they have been raping and abusing adults are adults to go to jail and out the tv.