I don't believe it

Everything  they say can't be trusted and is made up. I used to keep repeating I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it. Over and over to reduce the harrassments. When you say that it ends the game. 
Use the rare earth magnets to reduce harrassments. It is just implant chips doing it. Put the  magnets in different places on your body and see what works best. Try the forehead, nape of neck, temples, hollow of right cheek.
It is not true  that you cant do anything. You can get the implant chips out with Silicea 30c.  Take it twice a week, 3-5 pillules each time. You can put them in your water and keep sipping all day. Don't drink at the same time as coffee or toothpaste. Keep doing it. It works. Also try putting the Silicea bottle next to your left ear.  It reduces the harrassments a bit.  
Also put Magnoplasm in hollow of right cheek to get the voices out of your head. Do it every night before bed.  They won't be able to harrass you half as much then and the gang stalking will stop. The chips are not far under the surface of the skin of the cheek. 
You can listen to white noise on your phone through headphones. Download a recording of a washing machine or the ocean  waves or something so you can't hear them talking as much. 
Try repeating some mantras:
I am a good person
I would never do to them what they do to me
I am grateful for...
Try putting the magnets over your ears. That may help.
You need to take the Silicea so you can get the chips out and stop these people doing these things to you.
I hope things improve for you. I feel sorry that they do these things to Tis. 
Best wishes
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