I don't believe this. Open threat to targeted Individuals.

Could it be that someone is imitating Greg in attempt to smear him? And also it is obvious that there is a group of LOSERS attempting to smear and discredit this lawsuit! Also BOHRER is in charge of the suit NOT Stein & Stein, Dee do you not
understand that? my guess is that someone has giving you the task of attempting to discredit this suit? To the ones attempting to smear or discredit this lawsuit you WILL be BURNT and ROASTED!


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Public Event · By James Walbert

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  • here this site

    which site are you referring to?

  • Screen capture everything before they erase all trails.

    MAKE SURE you document the succession of events, the time stamps on their movement as each question about their credibility is being presented, as each proof to the person's or place's existence is being investigated. Take note of the damage control methods as they unfold.


  • that's per gregs newsletter so cancel your checks



    All individuals who wrote checks or money orders to Dave Bohrer please cancel/void your payment or send him a self addressed stamped envelope asking for him to return your check or money order

  • good people cancel your checks  if you can

  • The Electronic Harassment Lawsuit is real and needs attention and targeted individuals need to trust Greg for he has work many hours into making this EH Lawsuit successful and he has dedicated himself fully to this EH Lawsuit to change Laws and bring Electronic Harassment to a end world-wide! Donna Joy Plattner

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