Up until a few years ago, I thought I had just had an abusive background with my mother, who when alone with me, had a lot a rage, and made threats to kill me, and other things I won't get into. I had counselling with a minister regarding the effects of this, and for some reason nursery school came up. I had 2 memories from nursery school. One was normal, playing London Bridges falling down, or Pocket full of Rosie (the plague!). The other was sitting at a large rectanglar table with other children, seeing a man in a suit (not a relative) stand in the foyer and then I looked at the teacher who nodded for me to go. That's it.
In the last 2 years I have found out through Wikileaks, that my mother was a member of a secret society that seems high up like the Bones, and really a form of witchcraft/goddess religion. Before that I thought the group was just innocent. There is also an indication that my father, who was very good to me, was in a secret order as well.
I realized that I had triggers. I certain colour car passing me could bring physiological/emotional changes. This was so strange that I began to look up mind control and came across the Springer info.
I could have put a check mark beside so many things- being made to spin those pumped spinners,made to look in distorted mirrors which I hated, having absolute fear at the sight of Babes in Toyland, bathtubs, ect. Many of the places mentioned by Springer were places we travelled to- Williamsburg Penns., Disney world and land, Nevada. We went to a conference in Germany, then Denmark, on the England and stayed with a Lord and His family. I am sure we went to Stanford and Tavistock? Names that are in Springers book as triggers are names my mother will bring up like Samantha, Tabitha. (i.e I heard an ad in which they called Samantha Samantha-my mom to me).
Here is were it gets more interesting. I have been praying that the Lord would show me the truth re these things.
I feel already that I understand the child abuse, as Springer said it is preferable to keep the child in a disossiative state and this is best done by fear of death. On thing that was often done was standing outside my door for 10 minutes then bursting in and opening my closet and telling me to "get up, who did I think I was, the queen of Sheba?" She would throw my clothes on the floor, and I would have to pick them up and hang them up. When I read how the Crawford daughter in Mommy Dearest, had the same experience, I felt it was too odd. MK is supposed to be based, among other scripts, on Alice in Wonderland/Looking Glass. In it someone is asked about the "little fishes" and told- "the little fishes are in bed-WELL go and wake them up again. Coincidence?
From here there are a couple of lines of information. I will start with the nursery school.
While searching data online, I surprising came up with an obituary from the Toronto Star. I AM NOT saying that this individual was involved in any wrong doing. This individual was ex-military and and worked for a university. He specialized among other things, in Recombatent DNA. I looked that up, and found cloning, eugenics ect. Further in the article it said he was a life-time volunteer at my nursery school. I found that odd, that I would remember going with a man alone, and that a scientific engineer in cloning ect, would volunteer at a nursery school. I pull up some more info regarding his work and via a link arrived at a geneology site message board. It was in his name, but the message was in another colour and would not print. I wrote out the message after printing the sheet. Here it is, exactly as typed. "At this Time There is Little To hare Will Update soon". I noticed 2 things. The spelling of "hare" (rabbit/Alice) rather than the right way for the sentence, "hear". I also noticed some of the words had capitals, but not following grammatical rule. I wrote out the capitals as per advice of an ex-military acquaintance. I could not make any sense of it. About 2 days later I turned on the tv and a movie was showing Will Smith saying, gave me those letters, I am going to try them as a web address. Lightbulb! I got them, did the same, and a page came up. The first page showed a catalogue number of a book in the University of Toronto (I checked, the same book is in U. of Virginia, I am sure others) The next page showed the title- Babylonian Magic by Leonard W. King. (I did not want to read the book because it had a very occult presence, not good to play with). The next page was the inside title page. In pencil were some numbers and above the W. someone had written in William, the middle name of the author. REMEMBER, in the Manchurian Candidate when Denzel was in the tent. There were scientists AND middle eastern women/occultists, with markings on their face. Another coincidence? Springer also says that the MK system was done mixing technology science and occult. I don't understand it, but it fits the profile. Also, that nursery school had cemetaries on basically 2 sides of it, which I believe could also be relevant to the occult science part.
The 2nd part is this- I had an MRI about 2 years ago after seeking one for 9 years for neurological pain. There was abnoramalities and I have further testing for MS. There seemed to be an unusual reaction to the test on the technician and dr. I had not told anyone I was getting the test, had it done through a dr. I paid, and finally told my mom later. She asked me a number of questions about where it was done ect. (she always does). About 2 weeks later that hospital was broken into and "medical records" were reported stolen in the paper.
My mother has had halloween masks up in the living room now for years, mostly witches faces on pumpkinheads on a paint stick. (Canadian tire probably). When I was home for a visit last winter and she was in the other room, I saw 2 things on sticks face down on a table beside her chair. I peeked at them, and it was 2 scarecrow, like Wizard of Oz, masks. She came in and sat down, told me to sit down, and almost immediately held up the 2 masks, one in each hand. She told me to look at them. I didn't want to and tried to avert my eyes, but I think I must have based on what happened later. I got back to where I was staying, and every day for about 10 days, she would bring up a certain muscle rub product that I had told her didn't help me. I finally found myself saying forcefully, it doesn't work! When I lay down after that a memory came back to me of her that day, telling me to look around and choose anything, directing me to the ad placed beside me, saying how about that, is that what you would like? It was an ad for that product.
That same day, I noticed a couple of books of various thickness on her buffett. I picked one up. It was an old copy of Alice in Wonderland, the inside Logo of which I managed to upload. I am trying to show the other pages, or part thereof, which have letters on the bottom and pencil underlinings, but I am not too computer savvy and have more trouble with it this time. This is a lot to write for now. I will say, that I feel a program of some kind is coming apart, and I have had a couple of periods with images floating in my mind. One of the images is of a pilgrim mask, and I feel sick when I see it, even mentally. I also feel nauseaus when I remember being in Williamsburg. Does anyone else have bad feelings from there? The other day I wrote out all of the images, partial memories, and they all have a common theme- the pilgrims and the mayflower, thanksgiving. Did anyone else see the advertisement on a little while ago, where a giant marianette, supposedly Alice, was being moved and handled by the "Mayflower" moving company? I researched, and apparently there is something called the Pilgrim Society connected with the English Speaking Union (that my parents were members of_) that is higher than the Bilderburgs. A lot of little pieces, but they seem to be coming together to make a picture.