For more than a decade now, by employing various forms of multi-media - the strongest of which is the internet - the perps have managed to enjoin a lot of people in the entertainment-bullying they have designed and crafted. Purveyors of these industries, they were able to enjoin politically-powerful and moneyed people in a game of bullying and voyeurism that later turned out to be a gambling and stealing money-machine.
With lots of people now involved in this, I will start with the ones closest to the core of it all and the ones who had access to me and the people they can control:
1. My PC supplier way back early 2000s and my family's supplier till now. Her staff was already giving me hints before, asking me if she really was my friend, etc, but I didn't listen. I thought he was but badmouthing her.
I found the PCs in this network had hidden volumes on them. That's how I found out about the banana boot and Intel AMT. Even the new laptop my mother bought before couldn't be configured. It referred to a hidden volume every time there was an attempt to secure it. All PCs are controlled by the Trusted Platform Module and EHome, I discovered. Whenever I tried to secure it and change ownership to admin or actual PC owner. it reverts to TPM or it malfunctions. I saw in a usb she gave to my mother a file which, when I researched on it, showed that it's an app that allows remote control of PCs and it will hide itself when installed.
2. This supplier is related by affinity to the friend I referred to here:
3. She was involved in a FOREX scam before and she lost everything because of it. She said she was able to get back on her feet again because she was helped by a top honcho at Intel who gave her good deals on Intel products. This helped her position her companies in the IT industry.
4.Her best-friend/classmate is the wife of THE GUY WHO HAD MY FATHER AMBUSHED early 2000s. I only knew they knew each other when she told me this person owned the biggest aquarium in the land.
a. This guy was a colleague of my father's.
This is what I remember of him:
When I was in high school, first year I believe, he saw my friend and I waiting for a public utility vehicle along the road in front of a beach resort. He stopped and told me we could ride in his car. I knew he worked with my father and I treated my father's colleagues as uncles and aunts.
The entire trip, he bombarded me with spiteful talk about my father, I could not say anything, I did not know why he was doing that. My classmate, who was with me, asked me why he was doing that. She said "doesn't he even consider you are your father's daughter and you are but a child? why would he talk to you about your father that way?"
After that I realized what he was doing every time he would ask his brother to go to our house to leave a message, he wanted to have us go against each other. He wanted to break up our family.
His brother would look for my mom and when I'd ask why :he'd say "my brother asked me to tell your mom your father left his travel bag in the office. (To be fair to his brother, he always looked apologetic and he seemed like he didn't like what he was doing every time he did this.)
As it turned out,these were the times when, my father said he's on a travel trip but he was actually with his mistress. Apparently, every time he'd get a chance, he would attack my father by destroying him in the eyes of his family and harming us as well (why would he involve a child who does not know anything about their power struggle just so he could hit at my father covertly?)
b. The one who was heading the harassment on me in the office I worked in, the one who was giving instructions to the ones playing the game there, has the same family name as this guy, and they are from the same general area.
When I discovered the proof of the online fraud there, the person left to be with an uncle who died. This may be coincidental and may be completely unrelated EXCEPT that I have to write this down because in their game, birth is when one project or app is created, marriage is when there's union between parties, and death is when one is caught or had to be stopped.
c. Coincidentally, person B's connection to me is not limited to the office or to the shared surname with person A.Apparently, a classmate way back in college come from their circle, as emails indicate.
This classmate is the cousin of my housemate while I was still in school . My 2nd mobile phone - back when mobile phones are but starting here - was from this classmate's BF. I brought it from him
5. THE ROMANTIC PARTNER OF PERSON # 1 is a programmer / top honcho (?) in a bank that made me go through YEARS OF TORMENT and harassment.
6. She may have been trying to program me early 2006. She told me if she only had what I have, she's gonna use it to her advantage. She told me I can use it to get rich. She told me I can be with old guys who will be willing to buy the world for me. She actually told me how I could do it by setting as an example what her friend did. She said I can go to bars and buy a drink or two and just wait till a guy approaches me, then after that they'd the drinks and more.
She also introduced me to a guy friend who went with us in another town. She said that was the type of guy I should date. The guy was her age or her senior, which means the guy's way way older than I am.