Vermont Democrat State Senator Patrick Leahy said that we all must have done something to deserve what is being done to us - HE WILL PROBABLY STAND WITH A WHIP IN HAND SHOUTING HURRAH AS WE ARE ROUNDED UP LOADED ONTO RAIL CARS HEADED FOR THE DEATH CAMPS.
Concentration Camps
Camps are being built across the U.S. that can only be concentration camps. (Is this why they are working so hard to take away the guns?) Hawthorne, Nevada is the home of a large military bomb/explosive/missIle
facility. My travels take me through Hawthorne as I travel from Las Vegas
to Reno quite often. In the span of the last several months, I have
seen HUNDREDS of warehouses go up; like 7-8 hundred. These
warehouses are surrounded by chain-link, razor-wire fences and resemble
every modern prison anyones seen. The warehouses are three story, a-frame
roof, (resembling cell blocks for sure),no windows, and not wide enough
to house any aircraft other than Cessna 172s.or similar small crafts.
I cannot see room for elevators etc. for any type of bomb/missle storage
handling. This bomb facility in Hawthorne is 99% underground bunkers.I
don't think they are suddenly switching to above-ground bomb storage. Ill
leave it to you to make any revelations and deductions. But first........
to this you must add the fact that MANY steel companies, including Gunderson
Steel in Portland are secretly building rail cars reminiscent of the Nazis,
complete with shackles and guard shacks at each end.. My information
is: 11 companies are building these rail cars. Should any of you
have additional information on these cars or the camps, please e-mail me..
In the case of the camps, please try and provide location as precisely
as possible and any other pertinent info.
The U.S. Army confirmed the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department of the Army. The document states, "Enclosed for your
review and comment is the draft Army regulation on civilian inmate labor
utilization" and the procedure to "establish civilian prison camps on
Since the Senate hearings in 1975, the steady development of highly specialized surveillance capabilities, combined with the exploding
computerized information technologies, have enabled a massive data base
of personal information to be
developed on millions of unsuspecting American citizens. It is all in
place awaiting only a presidential declaration to be enforced by both
military and civilian police.
In 1982, President Ronald Reagan issued National Security Directive 58 which empowered Robert McFarlane and Oliver North to use the National
Security Council to secretly retrofit FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
Agency) to manage the country during a national crisis. The 1984 "REX
exercises" simulated civil unrest culminating in a national emergency
with a contingency plan for the imprisonment of 400,000 people.
REX 84 was so secretive that special metal security doors were installed on the FEMA building's fifth floor, and even long-term officials of the
Civil Defense Office were prohibited entry. The ostensible purpose of
this exercise was to handle an influx of refugees created by a war in
Central America, but a more realistic scenario was the detention of
American citizens. actual facilities to house U.S. Citizens to be used
as forced "slave" labor (prison inmate) work camps to produce goods for
the elite and ruling classes. That was one of the major topics on
Clinton's agenda when he visited China recently as he wanted to learn
how the Chinese produce most of their mass produced products so cheaply.
There is one brand new camp near Las Vegas that is being used to train local police departments nationwide in urban warfare. Why do police need
to be trained to conduct war against civilians? What are they planning
for us?
On several websites, there are lists of over 300+ such camps and some show recent stages of construction and remodeling in scanned photos
revealing 20+ foot high guard towers (where machine guns will be
mounted), Chain link fences with razor wire strung out along the top,
and buildings with huge gas pipes and conduits leading into windowless
holding tank and prisoner cell buildings. That is for discussion of the
Red and Blue lists, priority levels of U.S. Citizens who will be
temporarily housed in the CCCCs for a short time until they are
The Feds even have a specially constructed train with closable steel window Lonvers (air tight shutters). This train is designed to house dissident civilians enroute to huge air tight sealed structures
for "fumigating." They won't even bother offloading the prisoners like
Hitler did.