Identifying the perps

Main Player/Informant: Neighbor

- conduit for electric flip-flop

- receiver of stuff meant for us

- entry point of social-engineering tools/food (tried to "pawn" several gadgets to me. didn't take those, just gave her the money)

- transmitter of wiretapped info, sound bytes, etc...

- cousin of IT dean of school connected to this harassment (owned by a powerful political/economic figure worldwide)

-niece of professor in the school benefiting from the certification program of the organization/agency involved in the hypnosis/profiling stuff I mentioned in other entries.

- my batchmate

-saw her staying right next door at the house we were staying in at the metro (12 hours drive from here). that's too much of a coincidence, knowing that she is not supposed to have any relatives or contacts there (unless it was intentional that they looked for contacts there.

-at a time when we were young, she was supposed to be placed in an institution because she was ( don't wanna describe in respect of her vulnerability).... During that time, when I talked to her to show that people around her care, that's when I realized that all she was talking about was us, our family, that we were lucky we had this and that, etc... that she wanted such things too, etc...She said it's not her but the dwarf in her talking, etc...

There's a reason why even when I knew before she's part of those harassing me, I refrained from pinpointing her because much as I know she's a main perp, I believe she's a victim, too.

This technology tries to control people. The moral, character and intellectual fiber of a person defines which side he'll take - that of an agressor or that who is pummeled by aggression.

The time she had her major attacks, there were talks about a doppelganger, her being seen somewhere else, etc. There were also arguments on the identification of the real problem so she can be helped since the attacks were considered as her being "posessed", too.

Looking back now, juxtaposing what happened before with what I know now, I notice the timeline.

Her attacks happened along the same phase when I first got frightened of my dreams.

You see, I am not one who is fearful of dreams, or mostly anything. That time though, it was so surreal, I could see myself sleeping , I could see exactly what position I am in , I could describe the minutest details like I am watching myself from atop my bed or from the side of my room. It was also the time when I felt a shadow looming over me whose presence engulfed me with fear I cannot explain - like the shadow figure looming over me is a threat and will harm me. I was awake yet I could not move. I tried to talk but my tongue wouldn't move. I tried to move my fingers but they wouldn't move either. I prayed so hard and that's when I was able to move my head , trying to rise, but when i was already half-sitting, I was drawn to sleep again, and the dream continued. Same thing happened. I prayed again. I was able to stand, then I changed my position, head now where my feet was earlier. Same thing happened. That's when I decided to go to my parent's room to sleep.

I remembered this because there's one thing this neighbor said which is so vivid: she was afraid to sleep.

I would always remember that dream because that's the first time I got frightened of sleeping. After I shared it with somebody I trusted though and she told me to pray and she said she would pray for me, it ceased. It would happen again in the metro where I stayed with the cousin who asked me to accompany her to look for a carmen san diego CD (which i now know is ARG) but that's another story.

That period in our high school years where these things happened coincided with one thing : A NEW NEIGHBOR'S TRANSFER

These new neighbors are fond of tinkering with electronic gadgets. They are the ones who have friends and direct contact to the electric provider in this place. They are the ones who keep tying out phone and cable lines to their wires, and when found out (and we would request the service provider to fix the connections removing the neighbor's wires strapped to our wires), they would place antennas or iron rods, in direct contact to our lines.

Most of their family members now go to the same church my family goes to. They are the ones giving/selling electronic gadgets to my mother which, when connected, makes my pc activities go haywire.

There was a time when the entire family was out of the house and only the workers were here, when we went back there were wires outside of my window and wires in my room that were not there before. They came to our house asking my mother if they can look at our electric meter. They also asked about a gadget given to my mother (the same gadget was given to the pastor I believe), which they say lowers electric consumption. When I looked it up on the net, it was an intelli-gadget that allows a user to be part of a smart grid, one that allows a central system to monitor and control electronic consumption in the house of the user.

They are also the ones with pigeons and doves with rfid bands around their feet. I discovered this because two pigeons holed in on our ceiling atop my room, and they would move when I moved, they would stay directly overhead where I stayed. What I did was get the foldable stairs and looked at the birds. I saw the band. I looked it up and researched and discovered they were RFID bands, meant to act as timers for the racing pigeons.

I noticed too that in our cieling where my room and my parent's room are were food containers with food for birds. We were not the ones who placed it there (which explains the noise I would hear in the ceiling before, like the shuffling of feet). I also saw a bunch of dried stalks which have some of the stalks burnt in some parts, and when I googled it, it looked like the stalk of the marijuana plant. I am not sure if it's indeed one but the main question is, wha's it doing in the ceiling? What are the food containers doing in the ceiling? What are the burnt newspaper outside my window, clearly from the roof beam/ceiling doing there?
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