I know that there is programs out there that can use structures of people face . A face recognition program . casino use them and large corporation use them..etc.Does anyone know the name of program or how much its cost.I want everyone. Start taking picture video of who you think are perps.I want to slowly start the task of identifying one perp at a time tracing them to their group of origin.I want to know if same perps are harassing multiple people in same area or city.Using this program and identifying them will render them useless and they will become a liability to their employers.Helping us also in court or court of opinion.We must use the same tatics as investigators we must organize a video log and journal of everything that happens from this day forth save receipts to everything stapling them to your journal if an event just happen so we will be able to subpoena video if it's in a local place always describe the situation also must use date time indicate is it am or pm rainy sunny etc give full description of perp along with picture video licenses plates because we need a central data base to run all I information out of and making it available to every Ti
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  • For those of you that believe it is satellite technology a couple of things to think about.


    It is not scalable, these are directed line of site weapons that only impact you and not others in your vicinity. You can't add another attenna to a satelite, it is what it is when it goes up. It cannot attack a new TI in your area without stopping the attack on an existing target. To do this you would have to put up another satellite which is very expensive.


    The one caveat I have is that if you are implanted with something that recieves the signal then a satellite could be scanning a given area and only implanted people would recieve it and be impacted. Then everyone experiencing this would have to be implanated if the source was satellite based.


    There are just to many issues surrounding the use of satellites to make me believe that is the source.


    I do believe that these things are controlled remotely though, but the weapons could be placed in towers, ground based vans and trucks, aircraft, or adjacent homes.  Wireless technology could be used to control the weapons.


  • Thanks my brother a programmer.i will talk to him thanks pointing me in the right direction
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