Non-Lethal Weapons Summit - Download Center 8/2/12 6:26 N.
WEAPONS SUMMIT Non-Lethal Weapons Summit
August 20 - 22, 2012 - The Ritz-Cailton, Pentagon City, Arlington,
United States, Virginia
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Sponsorship Opportunities US Forces Prepare Shock and Awe’ Capabilities with Directed Enemy Weapons ___________
A host of next generation Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) have been unveiled by global forces recently, _________
Media Partners highlighting the significance that militaries are now placing on this rapidly progressing sector. - —
Directed Energy Systems- A Sector Overview
Advancements in Directed Energy Systems has never moved beyond the theory of the laboratory in recent
Event Details years, however, 2011 saw progression in these technologies and 2012 will no doubt see the first use of
Home Pa e directed energy within the battlefield. Read Defence IQ’s directed energy industry overview for a summary of
g current programs. Download the Agenda
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Non-Lethal Acoustic Weapons: What Are They? Will They Work >> Less-Lethal
Attendee Information . . . w n th
Non-Lethal Weaoons Directed Energy Vision: Prospects and Challenges eago s, e
Venue & Lodging Occupy Movement
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in Air Defence and Beyond: An
FAQS In this presentation, Bill Caplan, Engineering Consultant in IR & EO Systems and Countermeasures, NIRCM, Infographic
discusses: >> Non-Lethal
Cancellation Policy - Radio frequency and laser DEW technology overview Attendee Snapshot
- RF/HPM & laser operational concepts and constraints
- Atmospheric effects, targeting and collateral damage
Laser Safety And Directed Energy Sponsorship
Directed Energy Weapons on the Modem Battlefield
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No Common Approach, No Rules: European Perspectives on Non-Lethal Weapons
How do perceived levels of threats differ among nations? What does this mean in practical
terms for Non Lethal Weapons? In this IDGA exclusive interview, Rear Admiral Massimo = Tell a Colleaaue
• ---- Annati, Italian Navy (ret) discusses European perspectives on non-lethal weapons (NLW)
and the future of NLW, including Directed Energy Weapons and DESTO in advance of his
• keynote speech at Non-Lethal Weapons Summit. He also evaluates the different NLW needs
of maritime and ground forces.
Less-lethal Weapons: Helping the ATF Provide a Safer Environment for the Public
How can less-lethal weapons prevent confrontation, and how are they used to provide safe environments since they’re usually deployed after split-second’ decisions? Special Agent Robert Redd, ATF Response Team, discusses how less-lethal tools are used by the ATF to reduce the level of force needed to arrest violent individuals. He also highlights real-life scenarios where less-lethal weapons were used effectively, and discusses the potential of new technologies to immobilize vehicles when they are used as weapons.
Winning Hearts and Minds. Non Lethal Weapons in COIN Operations: Part I
In what situations are riot control agents permitted? What will make COIN operations successful? In the first part of this two-part interview, Lieutenant Colonel Christian De Cock, Chief of Operational Law, Belgian Armed Forces, explores these issues as well as the shifting nature of modern warfare and the role non-lethal weapons play going forward.
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Non-Lethal Weapons Summit - Download Center 8/2/12 6:26 AM
Winning Hearts and Minds, Non Lethal Weapons in COIN Operations: Part II
What principles should all COIN campaigns follow? How have revolutions and counterinsurgencies changed our understanding of the way society is organized? In the second part of this two part interview, Lieutenant Colonel Christian De Cock discusses the main focuses of COIN operations and how military commanders can better understand the nature of Fourth Generation Warfare to plan military operations. He also examines the shift away from a ‘kill and capture approach to “winning the hearts and minds of the population.
Non-Lethal Weapons in the Age of Irregular Warfare
Defence IQ talks with Colonel Tracy Tafolla of the US Marine Corps about his work as Director of the Joint
Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD).
0 Exclusive Content
Less-Lethal Weapons, the Occupy Movement and Beyond: An Infographic
________ With the vast spread of the Occupy movement the US, it is clear that law enforcement needs
— adequate less-lethal weapons and training to maintain order and ensure public safety.
The infographic identifies top examples of less-lethal weapons deployment within the Occupy
. movement These capabilities are used globally by law enforcement and military
— personnel, and the demand for them is steadily rising. Discover best use practices and
see which Non-Lethal Weapons Summit speakers will discuss these topics in this dynamic guide.
Attending Non-Lethal Weapons Summit: A ‘Convince Your Boss Letter Template
Want to convince your supervisor of the merits of attending Non-Lethal Weapons Summit? Check out this template of a convince your boss” letter!
Non-Lethal Weapons: Past Attendee Snapshot
Non-Lethal Systems for Surface Vessel Defense
By Rear Adm. Massimo Annati, Italian Navy (Ret)
Repurposed with permission from SNA Surface SITREP.
Questions about IDGA’s conferences, events or training Seminars? Contact us at 1-800-882-8684 or email now’
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Non-Lethal Weapons Summit
8/2/12 6:27 AM
Non-Lethal Weapons Summit
August 20 - 22, 2012 - The Ritz-Cailton, Pentagon City, Arlington, United States, Virginia
Register Now for NonLethal Weapons Summit
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Sponsorship Opportunities
Media Partners
Minimizing Civilian Casualties and Limiting Collateral Damage
Download the Brochure / View the Infographic
IDGA s Non-Lethal Weapons Summit will examine current and advanced technologies, operational and tactical efforts, requirements, legal and public acceptance, and the effects of non-lethal weapons on their targets. Keynote speakers will discuss international human rights law, the laws of armed conflict and planning considerations for the employment of less-lethal’ weapons.
Be sure to see the highly-anticipated law enforcement and military operator panels on Days 1 and 2 as well as the unique Human Effects Day!
Speakers Include:
Rear Admiral Massimo Annati
European Working Group - Non-Lethal Weapons
Lieutenant Colonel Christian De Cock
Chief of Operational Law
Belgian Armed Forces
Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Nagie
Office of Specialized Capabilities
United States Coast Guard
Raymond Gwndv
Branch Head, Escalation-of-Force
USMC Deputy Commandant for Combat
Development and Integration
Alan Ashworth, Ph.D
Senior Science Advisor
Air Force Research Laboratory
Soecial Aaent Robert Redd
Special Response Team
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
What makes IDGA s Non-Lethal Weapons Summit your must-attend event for 2012?
Exposure to the top government agencies and military offices dedicated to strategically enabling
operators with non-lethal weapons
Updates on the force options available to war fighters and law enforcement so they can adapt to
mission needs
Discuss the latest implementation strategies and program initiatives to ensure the flexibility of our
military and law enforcers
Discover soon-to-be-fielded non-lethal weapons, highlighting effects, performance and
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‘The committee reiterates its belief that nonlethal weapons can and should play an increasingly important role in meeting the evolving requirements of U.S. military strategy.”
— Report of the Committee on Armed Services U.S. House of Representatives National Defense Authorization Act
Download the Agenda
Resource Center Exclusive Content
>> Less-Lethal
Weapons, the
Occupy Movement
and Beyond:An
>> Non-Lethal Weapons: Past Attendee Snapshot
Learn more about sponsor & exhibit opportunities
>> Read More
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Fç_Less-Lethal Weapons, the Occupy Movement and Beyond: An Infographic _______ This dynamic guide identifies top examples of less-lethal weapons deployment within the
Occupy movement These tools are used globally by law enforcement and military personnel, and the demand for them is steadily rising. Discover best use practices and see which Non-Lethal Weapons Summit speakers will discuss these topics.
. e---Topic Background: Over the next ten years. the Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) market is forecasted to emerge
as a key domain for asymmetric warfare and law enforcement technology providers. Governments worldwide have undoubtedly understood the usefulness of non-lethal weapons following lessons learned in Egypt, Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan. Unforeseen street riots and mass demonstrations over the last decade have revealed the loopholes in the security dogma of the 21st century that must be closed.
There is a growing demand from combatant commanders, law enforcement officers and political establishments for non-lethal weapons capabilities. This demand is driven by their need to win civilians’ the hearts and minds to prevent the outcry and media attention that would result from to non-combatant casualties. These requirements have influenced governments worldwide to invest in non-lethal weapons R&D and procurement dedicated to the full spectwm of public safety, law enforcement, crowd control and asymmetric warfare.
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