Some of the accounts on the gang stalking have described individuals that have "fake badges".
What if it is the police itself involved in this?
If you see the experimentation with MKULTRA and look for the names of the companies researching on "voice to skull" or why not, "Synthetic telepati" as they are the one and the same - witch inable them to put ideas, thoughts and for some of you voices in the head - it is always the military like DARPA sponsoring it. It could also be so that synthetic telepathy is just a more sophisticated version of V2S.
They like people to believe that there are shadow organizations behind this.
But it is the state itself -the CIA, the secret police I believe that is responsable. Otherwise they would not turn their back on us.
For me gang stalking begun with people close to me, co-workers etc. When I moved to Spain, i got the looks directly from the police.
In EU they've been smarter, they've invented something called legal bullying. I don't know if you know anything about it, but I've seen some article from England where school kids are allowed to harrass other children. Together with these types of weapons that they use, they make the perfect crime.
People can see what a person seams to be like but they don't know what other invisible forces are out there. They orchestrate events, and make people believe in their stories and the individual that is the target is absolutely helpless. The police has also the right to isolate and marginalize a person nowdays, socially given no reason at all. If there is any proof at all, it is fake and orchestrated by themselves. The TI does not know what is going on, and nobody will tell the TI nothing. Given the technology they can make people believe whatever. Because they read the targets mind (and the intentions as well) the target can't make any plans, because before the TI does anything, they will already orchestrate social scence, make sure the TI does not accomplish what he/she might want to do - for example, the bus driver would pass by, or some equipment will not function properly. They are always a step ahead.
In my case, I can't even reach some of the internet pages I want to. I tried to put a link on my swedish page for people to vote for the petition to the US government, and the link ended up changed or something. And it is strange because it has never happened before with other links.
So please people - don't think that there are shadows organizations doing it to us, don't think that the stalkers are not really the police, or the secret police - they work for the police or the secret police!!! The police is higly involved.
Besides some of them are recruted already when they are young, very young, so they think that they've been chosen by this special reason, to be those special persons and they do not know anything else. I read even an article about an 8-year old beginning a spying career.
But at some point they do become ridiculous. Because put in our shoes, not matter how much inside info they might have, one is almost helpless, but of course, understanding them helps a lot. But just the trauma of it, of changing places might be a traumatic experience i think.
Whoever makes the dicisions makes them only because:
- There are no laws, neither in Europe nor in USA that forbids experimentation on humans against their will and without consent. Usually, for an experiment to give the right results, the victim must not know what is going on.
- There is no legislation yet against these types of weapons, so in a way, they do it legally, and bypass whatever the constitution say. That is why they get away with it.
- They are extremly patient, and it can take years before they creat a TI's personal history, without the TI's knowledge.
- There are no laws that prohibids types of discrimination that uses body language, people that "imply" things, covert discrimination - and this is a very important of the isolation process, and should be prohibided by law. Subtil discrimination, stalking and harrasment must be prohibided.
- There is an absolute lack of an ethical debate when it comes to human experimentation. and the use of them. Many have no idea whatsoever they exist, and if you try to tell them, they will not even care.
Therefore, even if there are shadows groups or elite groups, they do it more or less legally.
Therefore, there must be law changes. If noone changes the laws, even if say, we are left alone, there will be others taking our places in the future and suffer like us or more.
Some of us might have had some political orientations, but many of us, didn't. Some have already persecuted in their original countries, and they continue here. They think that it has to do with their political views and that countries like Iran are collaborating with our governments, but it just might be like that : they choose immigrants that- if they go back - will face even a greater horror, sure death or imprisonment for life. I read some accounts on the net. They use information about the individual to appeal to the lawest of human needs: like greed, revenge (they can tell a friend what one "really" thinks about them - so the friend has a chance to revenge), the illusion of power, need to obey authorities, and so on. The police must be prohibided to "surverillance someone without their knowledge" no matter what. I am sure they use some type of law to do this as well.
So if there is a change of laws - against use of these weapons, against unethical experimentation on humans or animals, against govermental lying, against subtil discrimination, and so on, there might be hope. It does not help us to speak about secret organisations, when they make sure that they use the laws that are visible in society and their official power.
It is the perfect crime as you say, and they are always a step ahead of almost every move we make with this mind reading technology.
Here in Vermont the police are involved. I am going to write about my experience in the next week or so and how I found that out...
the Fire Dept is big time as are local civil organizations/ people within the Postal Office are positioned who will screw with your mail/ municipality workers who do the electrical work and plumbing and, of course, you have the low-end criminal types who become informants and others who simply don't have much going that is worthwhile. We do have in the U.S. a NWO or Globalists who are at the helm of this activity; there is a whole other governmental system that operates side by side with the officially elected and recognized government - they've been in existence for a long time- the two Bush's, Clinton, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Kissinger just to name a few recognizable members of this power elite. - the people at the head of this are the international bankers and from what i've read there are 10 families who own the world's wealth... they control everything and call the shots and Vermonter's are really getting vocal and talking about what they are doing to this country and have been allowed to get away with and are responsible for our recession.
These power elite walk the same corridors as the established government and even have their own Executive Branch, Military Intelligence/CIA and the rest of it so in a way to my thinking I guess you can call it a Shadow Government because they rule and pull Obama strings - you have House Representatives, Senators and the like all in key positions who really work for the NWO but answer to someone else and vote for things that control what happens in D.C. and particularly will not allow these BLACK PROJECTS to be brought to an end. Colonel John Alexander, a career military man is as dirty as they come and has controlled the PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS OF WAR FOR 40 YRS. - HE'S DEFINITELY NOT ROGUE BUT THE REST OF THE GANG OF CRIMINALS PREFER TO REMAIN INVISIBLE BELIEVING THEY HAVE MORE POWER THAT WAY... you are 100% right about it being State-sponsored terrorism. They all know by now what's going on and only a few people in D.C. will stand up against them so nothing ever changes. Law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by ex-military men who have become officers in addition to them getting the so-called non-lethal weapons in anticipation of civil unrest in the country.
What we have is a Fascist state of government... our Constitution as been shredded. Even DARPA funding research and development that has historically been handed over to leading universities is now being channeled into CORPORATIONS who are making these weapons and the Military has changed this because the CORPORATIONS cannot be required to dish out any information about the weapons under the FOIA - they are exempt.