Psychomotor a robot, will be the connection between the hardward hard drive or server in a restricted and protected civilians, who have the program softward constant renewal area. Softward why the program will be in constant renewal? Because evolve itself to interface with entorno.¿Y as interface with the environment a fucking tin robot?
For the robot to roam the outside world will have reading sensors, and the outside world will be all computerized information that will show you the reality you're going to Barcelona visible.En Mobile in certain areas and connect to a server to access specific locations to timely information, such as the robot historicas.Pues things is blind need virtual information sources to help you choose the appropriate behavior.
In a human psychomotor skills is to join the neuronal interconnections with the organ or tissue to transmit orders in both robot sentidos.Un not choose, because a robot is guided by computational law unlike us who we are governed by the law of a biological programming that controls the physiological homeostasis (reptilian brain) and the free will of the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong.
The robot does not know what is right and wrong acts performing scheduled orders according to what it detects with its sensors will go abroad gradually unlocked.
THE motor skills of a robot is contacting a core of hard disk with software program and artificial materials with sensors every part articulable .The robot itself is a hive of materials in human form. Its operating core communicates with an electronic highway to get to the area where the action is executed. For example for the robot carefully articulates the phonation with Lips., To appear to speak a human being, it is needed to "quantify computationally" muscle work in biological people and pass nerve impulses computer language registered in a program.
In a biological human being, because he does not know .., scientists have observed with great patience the neural connections that are excited in a human brain and observed as nerve impulses have reached your destination.
A robot never thought will be unlocked and will be faster than us because they are not curious and are based on the mathematical logic of what the engineer has programmed them. A robot can never get excited, a piece of iron will be programmed with a female voice crying for us to get excited us.
A robot unlocking programs evolve as its sensors discover new information on the outside, but this information will informatic calculation, the voice of a human being does not mean anything, just PREVIOUSLY RECORDED SOUNDS detected.
If the robot is channeling information from a human brain will sort information morse, binary drives will be programmed to understand pre-registered with computational language. Not recognize human emotion, will recognize what an engineer before I schedule it.
We accept pensarnoslo well before robots to replace humans, because it is SO GREAT childishness.
Those who are normalizing this culture of cyber know they are going to die and still will be able to satisfy human flesh as a source of pleasure.
But here a few generations do not know if anyone would prefer the human robotics operation to continue extracting minerals and slaving that never formed a union to complain to the employer ...
This looks like a REAL ROBOT WOMAN #nowthatsludacrious